1.4 Assessment approach

For each of the required statutory assessments (Appendix 1), specific criteria and grading statements guide the analysis of available evidence and provide transparency (Figure 1.5 and Table 1.2). For example, the assessment of biodiversity (Chapter 2) uses two assessment criteria: (i) habitats to support species, and (ii) populations of species or groups of species. Each assessment criterion comprises several components (Table 1.2).

Based on analysis of the evidence available, at the scale of the Region, each component receives an assessment grade (Section 1.4.1) and trend (Section 1.4.2) since the Outlook Report 2019. The component results are then combined to inform the grade for the overarching criterion (Figure 1.6). Determination of both criteria grades and component level grades are guided by reference to standard grading statements (Section 1.4.1). Criteria and component assessments are presented in a table in the assessment summary at the end of each chapter. For 2024, regional scale grades (i.e. for portions of the Region) have been added for coral reef habitats.

To maintain the comparative value of the Outlook Report over time, changes to the assessed components have been limited to instances where they significantly improve the validity or utility of the assessment (Appendix 2). 

Figure 1.5
Assessment approach to determine final grades

The required assessments are based on the best available evidence. Availability and quality of evidence is variable across assessments. Grades are standardised against grading statements presented with each assessment summary.

A flow chart describing the assessment approach to arrive at grades and trends which are presented at the end of each chapter. For each of the required statutory assessments, specific criteria and grading statements guide the analysis of available evidence and provide transparency.
Table 1.2
Assessment criteria and their components

Each chapter of the report contains assessments of a specific set of criteria (bold text) and components (bullet points).

A table of all the criteria and components in the Outlook Report