To determine the effectiveness of management for each management topic, 49 indicators were considered across the six management elements.
Understanding of context
- The values of the Great Barrier Reef relevant to managing the topic are understood by managers.
- The current condition and trend of values relevant to managing the topic are known by managers.
- Impacts (direct, indirect and cumulative) associated with managing the topic are understood by managers.
- The broader (national and international) level influences relevant to managing the topic are understood by managers.
- The stakeholders relevant to managing the topic are well known by managers.
- There is a planning system in place that effectively addresses the topic.
- The planning system for the topic addresses the major factors influencing the Great Barrier Reef Region’s values.
- Actions for implementation regarding management of the topic are clearly identified within the plan.
- Clear, measurable and appropriate objectives for management of the topic have been documented.
- There are plans and systems in place to ensure appropriate and adequate monitoring information is gathered in relation to the topic.
- The main stakeholders and/or the local community are effectively engaged in planning to address the topic.
- Sufficient policy currently exists to effectively address the topic.
- There is consistency across jurisdictions when planning for the topic.
- Plans relevant to the topic provide certainty regarding where uses may occur, the type of activities allowed or specifically disallowed, conditions under which activities may proceed and circumstances where impacts are likely to be acceptable.
Financial, staffing and information inputs
- Financial resources are adequate and prioritised to meet management objectives to address the topic.
- Human resources within the managing organisations are adequate to meet specific management objectives to address the topic.
- The right skill sets and expertise are currently available to the managing organisations to address the topic.
- The necessary biophysical information is currently available to address the topic.
- The necessary socio-economic information is currently available to address the topic.
- The necessary Indigenous heritage information is currently available to address the topic.
- The necessary historic heritage information is currently available to address the topic.
- There are additional sources of non-government input (for example volunteers) contributing to address the topic.
Management systems, processes and governance
- The main stakeholders and/or industry(ies) are effectively engaged in the ongoing management of the topic.
- The local community is effectively engaged in the ongoing management of the topic.
- There is a sound governance system in place to address management of the topic.
- There is effective performance monitoring, including. regular assessment of appropriateness and effectiveness of tools, to gauge progress towards the objective(s) for management of the topic.
- Appropriate training is available to the managing agencies to address management of the topic.
- Management of the topic is consistently implemented across the relevant jurisdictions.
- There are effective processes applied to resolve differing views/ conflicts regarding the topic.
- Impacts (direct, indirect and cumulative) of activities associated with the topic are appropriately considered.
- The best available biophysical research and/or monitoring information is applied appropriately to make relevant management decisions regarding the topic.
- The best available socio-economic research and/or monitoring information is applied appropriately to make relevant management decisions regarding the topic.
- The best available Indigenous heritage information is applied appropriately to make relevant management decisions regarding the topic.
- The best available historic heritage information is applied appropriately to make relevant management decisions regarding the topic.
- Relevant standards are identified and being met regarding management of the topic.
- Targets have been established to benchmark management performance for the topic.
Delivery of outputs
- To date, the actual management program (or activities) have progressed in accordance with the planned work program for the topic.
- Implementation of management documents and/or programs relevant to the topic have progressed in accordance with timeframes specified.
- The results have achieved their stated management objectives for the topic.
- To date, products or services have been produced in accordance with the stated management objectives for the topic.
- Effective knowledge management systems regarding the topic are in place within agencies.
- Effective systems are in place to share knowledge on the topic with the community.
Achievement of outcomes
- The relevant managing agencies are to date effectively addressing the topic and moving towards the attainment of the desired outcomes.
- The outputs relating to management of the topic are on track to ensure the values of the Great Barrier Reef are protected.
- The outputs for the topic are reducing the major risks and the threats to the Great Barrier Reef.
- Use of the Great Barrier Reef relating to the topic is demonstrably environmentally sustainable.
- Use of the Great Barrier Reef relating to the topic is demonstrably economically sustainable.
- Use of the Great Barrier Reef relating to the topic is demonstrably socially sustainable in terms of understanding and/or enjoyment.
- The relevant managing agencies have developed effective partnerships with local communities and/or stakeholders to address the topic.