Appendix 6 Threats to the Region’s values

The set of current and likely threats to the Region’s ecosystem and heritage values (its natural, Indigenous, historic and other heritage values) considered in the risk assessment (Chapter 9) was developed from the evidence presented in the preceding chapters of this report (particularly 5 and 6), taking into account input from Reef scientists and managers and the outcomes of various community surveys. The 45 threats considered are listed in the table below. The table also provides a comparison with those assessed in the 2019 Outlook Report. As far as possible, the threats and their descriptions are consistent with those used in 2019; differences are shown in bold in the 2024 column.

Outlook Report 2024 (45 threats)Outlook Report 2019 (45 threats)
Acid sulfate soils: Exposure of acid sulfate soilsAcid sulfate soils: Exposure of acid sulfate soils
Altered ocean currents: Climate change induced altered ocean currentsAltered ocean currents: Climate change induced altered ocean currents
Altered weather patterns: Climate change effects on weather patterns (e.g. cyclones, wind, rainfall, air temperature), includes both chronic and acute aspectsAltered weather patterns: Climate change effects on weather patterns (e.g. cyclones, wind, rainfall, air temperature), includes both chronic and acute aspects
Artificial light: Artificial lighting, including from resorts, industrial infrastructure, mainland beaches and coastlines, vessels and shipsArtificial light: Artificial lighting, including from resorts, industrial infrastructure, mainland beaches and coastlines, vessels and ships
Atmospheric pollution: Pollution of the atmosphere related to domestic, industrial and business activities and natural phenomena (e.g. bushfires) in both the Region and adjacent areas. The contribution of gases, such as carbon dioxide to climate change is not included as this is encompassed under threats, such as sea temperature increase and ocean acidificationAtmospheric pollution: Pollution of the atmosphere related to domestic, industrial and business activities in both the Region and adjacent areas. The contribution of gases, such as carbon dioxide to climate change is not included as this is encompassed under threats, such as sea temperature increase and ocean acidification
Barriers to flow: Artificial barriers to riverine and estuarine flow (e.g. dams, weirs, breakwalls, gates, roads and linear infrastructure)Barriers to flow: Artificial barriers to riverine and estuarine flow (e.g. dams, weirs, breakwalls, gates, roads and linear infrastructure)
Behaviour impacting heritage values: Disturbance of, or damage to, the values of intangible Indigenous and historic heritage site through inappropriate presence of people. Examples include: visitation to locations considered dangerous or sensitive in Indigenous culture; access by people of culturally inappropriate gender or seniority; overly high visitor traffic levels at Indigenous sites open to visitation (e.g. creating too much noise); and disrespectful behaviour or activities at Indigenous and historic heritage sites (e.g. burial areas)Behaviour impacting heritage values: Disturbance of, or damage to, the values of intangible Indigenous and historic heritage site through inappropriate presence of people. Examples include: visitation to locations considered dangerous or sensitive in Indigenous culture; access by people of culturally inappropriate gender or seniority; overly high visitor traffic levels at Indigenous sites open to visitation (e.g. creating too much noise); and disrespectful behaviour or activities at Indigenous and historic heritage sites (e.g. burial areas)
Damage to reef structure: Physical damage to reef benthos (reef structure) through actions, such as snorkelling, diving, anchoring, fishing, and reef-walking but not vessel grounding (assessed separately)Damage to reef structure: Physical damage to reef benthos (reef structure) through actions, such as snorkelling, diving, anchoring and fishing, but not vessel grounding (assessed separately)
Damage to seafloor: Physical damage to non-reef benthos (seafloor) through actions, such as trawling and anchoringDamage to seafloor: Physical damage to non-reef benthos (seafloor) through actions, such as trawling and anchoring
Discarded catch: Immediate or post-release effects (such as death, injury, reduced reproductive success) on discarded species (non-retained catch) as a result of interactions with fishing gear. Does not include species of conservation concern (assessed separately)Discarded catch: Immediate or post-release effects (such as death, injury, reduced reproductive success) on discarded species (non-retained catch) as a result of interactions with fishing gear. Does not include species of conservation concern (assessed separately)
Disposal of dredge material: Disposal and resuspension of dredge materialDisposal of dredge material: Disposal and resuspension of dredge material
Dredging: Dredging of the seafloorDredging: Dredging of the seafloor
Exotic species: Introduced exotic species from aquaculture operations, hull fouling, ballast release, biocontrol, translocation of other marine species, and release of aquarium specimens to the Region, plus the introduction of weeds, pests and feral animals to islands. Includes both new introductions and outbreaks of previously introduced exotic species. Does not include considerations covered under the ‘genetic modification’ threatExotic species: Introduced exotic species from aquaculture operations, hull fouling, ballast release, biocontrol, translocation of other marine species, and release of aquarium specimens to the Region, plus the introduction of weeds, pests and feral animals to islands. Includes both new introductions and outbreaks of previously introduced exotic species. Does not include considerations covered under the ‘genetic modification’ threat
Extraction from spawning aggregations: Retained take (extraction) of fish from unidentified or unprotected spawning aggregationsExtraction from spawning aggregations: Retained take (extraction) of fish from unidentified or unprotected spawning aggregations
Extraction of herbivores: Retained take (extraction) of herbivores (e.g. some fishes, molluscs, dugongs, green turtles) through commercial and non-commercial usesExtraction of herbivores: Retained take (extraction) of herbivores (e.g. some fishes, molluscs, dugongs, green turtles) through commercial and non-commercial uses
Extraction of particle feeders: Retained take (extraction) of particle feeders (filter feeders, detritivores) through commercial and non-commercial usesExtraction of particle feeders: Retained take (extraction) of particle feeders (filter feeders, detritivores) through commercial and non-commercial uses
Extraction of predators: Retained take (extraction) of predators (e.g. sharks, fish) through commercial and non- commercial usesExtraction of predators: Retained take (extraction) of predators (e.g. sharks, fish) through commercial and non- commercial uses
Foundational capacity gaps: Gaps in the enabling context for Traditional Owners to exercise their Indigenous heritage (cultural) rights by accessing and managing their land and sea country. Relates to capacity of Traditional Owners and their groups, and is not about loss of knowledge or about access restrictions or conflicting use. Potential impacts include those on the enduring connection Traditional Owners have with their land and sea country and on the maintenance of culture and the transfer of knowledge to younger generations (e.g. reduced opportunities to conduct knowledge transfer)Foundational capacity gaps: Lack of capacity of Traditional Owners to exercise their Indigenous heritage (cultural) rights by accessing and managing their land and sea country. Relates to capacity of Traditional Owners and their groups, and is not about loss of knowledge or about access restrictions or conflicting use. Potential impacts include those on the enduring connection Traditional Owners have with their land and sea country and on the maintenance of culture and the transfer of knowledge to younger generations (e.g. reduced opportunities to conduct knowledge transfer)
Fragmentation of cultural knowledge: Loss and fragmentation of knowledge of tangible and intangible heritage values (e.g. as Indigenous Elders age and young people leave their traditional land and sea country, or availability of specialist skills in historic heritage preservation declines)Fragmentation of cultural knowledge: Loss and fragmentation of knowledge of tangible and intangible heritage values (e.g. as Indigenous Elders age and young people leave their traditional land and sea country, or availability of specialist skills in historic heritage preservation declines)
Genetic modification: Genetic modification of native species, manipulation of natural genotype frequencies (e.g. through translocations or intentional/unintentional releases of specimens), and products of synthetic biologyGenetic modification: Genetic modification of native species, manipulation of natural genotype frequencies (e.g. through translocations or intentional/unintentional releases of specimens), and products of synthetic biology
Grounding large vessel: Grounding of large vessels (>50m), including physical damage and the dislodging of antifoulantsGrounding large vessel: Grounding of large vessels (>50m), including physical damage and the dislodging of antifoulants
Grounding small vessel: Grounding of small vessels (<50m), including physical damage and the dislodging of antifoulantsGrounding small vessel: Grounding of small vessels (<50m), including physical damage and the dislodging of antifoulants
Illegal activities — other: Illegal activities, such as entering a protected or restricted area, illegal release of industrial discharge, shipping outside of designated shipping areas, and removal or damage of artefacts (e.g. ship anchors, stone implements), scar trees, middens, fish traps, burial grounds, stone arrangements, art workIllegal activities — other: Illegal activities, such as entering a protected or restricted area, illegal release of industrial discharge, shipping outside of designated shipping areas, and removal or damage of artefacts (e.g. ship anchors, stone implements), scar trees, middens, fish traps, burial grounds, stone arrangements, art work
Illegal fishing and extractionIllegal fishing, collecting and extraction, including of species of conservation concern. This may be from domestic or foreign vessels or individualsIllegal fishing and poaching: Illegal fishing, collecting and poaching
Incidental catch of species of conservation concern: Immediate or post-release effects (such as death, injury, reduced reproductive success) of interactions of species of conservation concern with fishing gearIncidental catch of species of conservation concern: Immediate or post-release effects (such as death, injury, reduced reproductive success) of interactions of species of conservation concern with fishing gear
Incompatible uses: Activities undertaken within the Region that disturb or exclude other users, such as recreational use in areas important for cultural activitiesIncompatible uses: Activities undertaken within the Region that disturb or exclude other users, such as recreational use in areas important for cultural activities
Marine debris: Manufactured material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment (including discarded fishing gear, plastics, and abandoned or damaged equipment and infrastructure)Marine debris: Manufactured material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and coastal environment (including discarded fishing gear, plastics, and abandoned or damaged equipment and infrastructure)
Modifying coastal habitats: Clearing or modifying wetlands, mangroves and other coastal ecosystems in the Catchment or inshore areas or on islandsModifying coastal habitats: Clearing or modifying wetlands, mangroves and other coastal ecosystems in the Catchment or inshore areas or on islands
Noise pollution: Noise from human activities, both below and above waterNoise pollution: Noise from human activities, both below and above water
Nutrient runoff: Nutrients from diffuse land-based runoffNutrient runoff: Nutrients from diffuse land-based runoff
Ocean acidification: Decreasing pH of the Region’s watersOcean acidification: Decreasing pH of the Region’s waters
Outbreak of crown-of-thorns starfish: Outbreak of crown- of-thorns starfishOutbreak of crown-of-thorns starfish: Outbreak of crown- of-thorns starfish
Outbreak of disease: Outbreak of disease, both naturally occurring and introducedOutbreak of disease: Outbreak of disease, both naturally occurring and introduced
Outbreak of other species: Outbreak or bloom of naturally occurring species other than crown-of-thorns starfishOutbreak of other species: Outbreak or bloom of naturally occurring species other than crown-of-thorns starfish
Pesticide runoff: Pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides) from diffuse land-based runoffPesticide runoff: Pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides) from diffuse land-based runoff
Sea-level rise: Rising sea levelSea-level rise: Rising sea level
Sea-temperature increase: Increasing extreme and average sea temperaturesSea-temperature increase: Increasing extreme and average sea temperatures
Sediment runoff: Sediments from diffuse land-based runoffSediment runoff: Sediments from diffuse land-based runoff
Spill — large chemical: Chemical spill that triggers a national or regional response or is more than 10 tonnes (includes substances, such as sugar)Spill — large chemical: Chemical spill that triggers a national or regional response or is more than 10 tonnes (includes substances, such as sugar)
Spill — large oil: Oil spill that triggers a national or regional response or is more than 10 tonnes (includes all petroleum products)Spill — large oil: Oil spill that triggers a national or regional response or is more than 10 tonnes (includes all petroleum products)
Spill — small: Chemical or oil spill that does not trigger a national or regional response and is less than 10 tonnes. Includes materials (liquids and solids) used in attempts to restore or protect marine habitats — does not include materials considered under ‘Marine debris’Spill — small: Chemical or oil spill that does not trigger a national or regional response and is less than 10 tonnes. Includes materials (liquids and solids) used in attempts to restore or protect marine habitats — does not include materials considered under ‘Marine debris’
Terrestrial discharge: Terrestrial point-source discharge (including within ports), such as polluted water, sewage, wastewater and stormwaterTerrestrial discharge: Terrestrial point-source discharge (including within ports), such as polluted water, sewage, wastewater and stormwater
Vessel strike: Death or injury to wildlife as a result of being struck by a vessel of any type or sizeVessel strike: Death or injury to wildlife as a result of being struck by a vessel of any type or size
Vessel waste discharge: Waste discharge from a vessel (including sewage)Vessel waste discharge: Waste discharge from a vessel (including sewage)
Wildlife disturbance: Disturbance to wildlife (including from snorkelling, diving, fish feeding, walking on islands and beaches, and the presence of boats and drones); not including noise pollutionWildlife disturbance: Disturbance to wildlife (including from snorkelling, diving, fish feeding, walking on islands and beaches, and the presence of boats and drones); not including noise pollution