8.3.2 Seagrass meadow habitats

The Region is home to one of the world’s largest seagrass resources.2057 Seagrasses in the Region, particularly those in coastal habitats, act as a buffer between catchment inputs and reef communities.2058 Seagrass meadows are crucial feeding grounds for populations of large herbivores including dugongs and green sea turtles.516 Seagrass meadows in the Region are dynamic ecosystems, and significant changes in distribution and abundance due to natural cycles are typical in some regions.2058 These cycles are often marked with decline in abundance and diversity followed by recovery. However, coastal development and the associated increase in land-based runoff are increasing the pressures on inshore seagrass meadows and affecting the frequency of the natural cycles of seagrass loss and recovery.145 The significant proportion of seagrass meadows found in coastal areas are regularly exposed to threats associated with declines in water quality and available light. 

Low light levels associated with reduced water quality can limit the growth and recovery of coastal seagrasses, and they have likely contributed to the complete disappearance of seagrass at some sites in the Region in 2011.690 For seagrass meadows to be able to respond to acute and chronic disturbances, seagrasses must possess the necessary combination of characteristics that allows them to respond to changes. If they cannot respond quickly enough, these systems may be permanently lost.

Resilient seagrass meadows have the capacity to resist and recover from repeated, cumulative disturbances. Resilience in seagrass meadows is affected by:

  • environmental features, such as good water quality and stable climate 2059 (Figure 8.1: the system’s broader environment and social space)
  • ecological features, such as connectivity between ecosystems and trophic interactions 2060 and grazing pressures from large herbivores such as dugongs 1903 (Figure 8.1: the system’s ecological processes)
  • intrinsic characteristics of seagrass meadows, such as life history traits, species diversity and presence of seed banks 2058,2059,2061 (Figure 8.1: the system’s processes, with links to community and biodiversity structure).

Monitoring the extent, frequency and intensity of acute and chronic impacts, as well as the condition and trend of seagrass meadows, is essential to inform resilience-based management responses that assist seagrass meadows to remain productive.

A seagrass flower.
Monitoring seagrass flowers informs resilience measures. © Kor-jent van Dijk 2009


Seagrass meadows are important foraging grounds for large herbivores of cultural significance and nursery grounds for species of fisheries interest. Therefore, these ecosystems are managed and protected by proxy under various pieces of Commonwealth and Queensland legislation. The Fisheries Act 1994 (Qld) (Fisheries Act) protects all marine plants, including seagrasses. The Planning Act 2016 (Qld) manages the authorisation of ecologically sustainable development that involves the removal of or damage to marine plants. Other planning and assessment Acts and Regulations are used to protect seagrass meadows from potential development impacts, such as through powers to refuse or manage particular activities, to declare protected areas, or to place conditions on discharges or runoff.2062 These tools include the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act), the Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Act 1981 (Cth), the Marine Park Act and the Planning Act 2016 (Qld). 

The primary focus of management actions to protect seagrass is to improve water quality entering the Region by implementing the Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan.1883 Progress towards the plan targets is assessed through the Reef Water Quality Report Card. Understanding how the health and resilience of the Reef are affected by pressures such as declines in water quality is critical for evaluating the effectiveness of management actions. Information on the condition (and trend in condition) of inshore seagrass meadows is provided by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program, which also informs other initiatives, including regional report cards for Natural Resource Management regions. Seagrass rehabilitation methods are being explored, but outcomes are not yet available. 

Recently, a seagrass resilience metric was developed specifically to assess and monitor how resilience of inshore seagrass meadows changes in response to impacts. The metric was developed to provide a measurable and practical indicator informed by “a set of measurable biological characteristics that exemplify seagrass meadows’ resistance to pressures and essential mechanisms for recovery” as stated in the seagrass monitoring review by the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program.2063 The resilience metric takes into consideration intrinsic characteristics of seagrass species shown to support the resilience of the meadow. The metric was built upon the long-term historical data on reproductive status and size of seed banks (capacity for recovery), and species functional traits that determine the meadow’s capacity to resist disturbance.150 It uses a decision tree to assign site scores for resilience across three main categories: i) low resistance sites, ii) non-reproductive but high resistance sites, and iii) reproductive and high resistance sites.150

Evidence for recovery or decline

In the Region, inshore seagrass meadows have been monitored regularly since 2005.145 When monitoring started, seagrass meadows in most parts of the inshore Region were in a good state of health with abundant foundational species and seed banks. Resilience was high in most regions, and meadows were considered to be in good to very good condition. However, inshore seagrass meadows have been subjected to persistent chronic levels of stress, mainly due to increases in land-based runoff. As a result, seagrass meadows in some regions have been left in a weakened state with limited resilience and unable to recover from episodic disturbance, such as thermal stress (Figure 8.4). 

In late 2008, meadows in the northern Wet Tropics and Burdekin regions remained in a good state of health with abundant seagrasses and seed banks despite being affected by category 4 cyclone Larry in 2006.2064 In contrast, locations in the southern Mackay Whitsunday and Burnett Mary regions were in poor and moderate condition, respectively, having low abundance, reduced reproductive effort and small or absent seed banks.2065 

The onset of La Niña in 2009 caused a steady decline in seagrass condition in the Burdekin and Wet Tropics regions, and in locations within the Fitzroy region.2066 This decline was likely driven by the above-average discharge from the catchments into the Reef.2067 The level of decline became substantial across all habitats and meadows, which were in a vulnerable condition leading up to 2011 when the Reef was severely affected by category 5 cyclone Yasi. Post cyclone Yasi, the abundances of inshore seagrass were the lowest recorded since monitoring started. In 2011, most monitoring sites remained classified as poor or very poor in abundance, and severe losses were reported from the Wet Tropics, Burdekin, Mackay Whitsunday and Burnett Mary regions.2066 

By 2017, little or no recovery had occurred across most of the regions, and seagrass condition began to gradually decline.2065 Cumulative pressures, including severe climatic events, such as heat waves, continued to undermine the resilience of inshore seagrass meadows. Frequent and repeated disturbances seemed to be maintaining lower seagrass abundance at some locations, which in turn reduced the capacity of the seagrasses to expand and produce viable seed banks.2068 Since 2019, recovery was sustained across northern regions for a couple of years despite being affected by heatwaves in 2020 and 2022.149 However, meadows in the southern regions of Fitzroy and Burnett Mary remain in poor condition and continue to decline, especially after the heavy floods in Burnett Mary catchments in early 2022.149

Figure 8.4
Summary of the state of inshore seagrass for each Natural Resource Management region, 2005 to 2022

The diagram illustrates pressures, abundance of foundation and colonising species, seed bank abundance, and reproductive effort. These factors provide information on the meadow's capacity to resist and recover from disturbance. The resilience component of the seagrass index uses a decision tree to assign site scores for resilience across three main categories from lowest to highest resilience: i) low resistance sites, ii) non-reproductive but high resistance sites, and iii) reproductive and high resistance sites. *Colonising species are represented by the genus Halophila; however, Zostera and Halodule species can be either colonising or foundational species depending on meadow state. ^ Reproductive effort not recorded in 2005.  Source: Adapted from McKenzie et al. (2023)145

This is a timeline from 2005 to 2022 providing a semi-quantitative depiction of the seagrass condition index for the Region and its individual components for the 6 natural resource management (NRM) regions.

Seagrass meadows in the Burdekin region have demonstrated exceptional resilience to cumulative disturbances. Inshore seagrass meadows in the Burdekin region are primarily structured by wind-induced turbidity (resuspension) in the short term and by episodic riverine delivery of nutrients and sediment in the medium term. Disturbance from wave action, sediment movement and elevated sea surface temperatures are also dominant influences. Rainfall in the Burdekin region is often lower than in other Reef regions.363 

Like in the rest of the Region, seagrass meadows in the Burdekin region had high proportion of foundation species, high reproductive effort, and abundant seed banks at the beginning of monitoring in 2005 (Figure 8.5). Declines in condition started in 2008 due to large flood events and continued following cyclone Yasi, hitting their lowest point in the 2010–11 monitoring year.2066 From 2011, the seagrass rapidly recovered, and by 2013–14 seagrass abundance had nearly recovered to pre-2011 levels. Resilience was also high with high levels of foundational species and seed banks.2069However, recovery has varied between habitats, and seagrass abundance has progressively declined at intertidal and subtidal reef habitats since 2015. Nevertheless, overall seagrass condition remained good for four consecutive years despite two back-to-back marine heatwaves that affected the Region in 2016 and 2017. In 2017–18, coastal seagrasses increased to their highest abundance since 2001; however, this was immediately followed by large declines in 2018–19.2068

In 2018–19, the Burdekin region was affected by major acute events, such the high discharge event from the Burdekin River coupled with unusually large outputs from the smaller creeks and rivers discharging into Cleveland Bay in early 2019.2068 This led to declines in seagrass abundances across the region, the largest losses occurring in reef subtidal and coastal intertidal habitats. Sediment loads in the discharge, and wind-driven resuspension, elevated turbidity and reduced benthic light during the wet season, were a legacy from the Burdekin River floods. However, light availability quickly returned to seasonally expected levels in the dry season, during which rainfall and discharge were below average, allowing recovery at some sites.2068

In 2020–21, seagrass abundance recovered, and resilience increased slightly, but varied between sites. In coastal intertidal seagrass habitats, reproductive effort and seed banks increased to their highest level in 2 years 2070 but remained very low in reef intertidal and subtidal habitats. In all habitats, seed density was higher in the late wet season, indicating a possible late flowering and seed set. After a slightly cooler 2020–21 season, intertidal within-canopy temperatures increased in 2021–22 and were, on average, the warmest since monitoring was established.145

Burdekin region seagrass meadows have demonstrated resilience for nearly 20 years

For almost 2 decades, seagrass meadows of the Burdekin region have demonstrated high resilience, particularly through their capacity for recovery (Figure 8.5). The presence of a robust seed bank and high species diversity, which are characteristics known to confer resilience, may indicate a conditioning to acute disturbances and reflect the nature of the disturbances, which are episodic and dominated by wind events and Burdekin River flows.

Figure 8.5
Condition of inshore seagrass meadows for the Burdekin region, 2005–06 to 2022–23

Black line with circles represents the seagrass condition index score. Values are scaled from 0 to 100 (no unit) and colours indicate grade. Dark blue = very good (81–100). Blue = good (61–80), Yellow = moderate (41–60), Orange = poor (21–40), Red = very poor (0–20). The seagrass condition index combines indicators for seagrass abundance (teal line) and resilience (purple line). Source: McKenzie et al. (2023)145

This is a line graph with “Seagrass condition index (score)” on the y-axis and financial years on the x-axis (from 2005-06 to 2022-23). In 2005-06, the score was good. This declines to very poor in 2010-11 before recovering to good in 2016-17 and declining to moderate in 2018-19 and stays at this level to 2022-23. Lines for resilience and seagrass abundance follow a similar trend.
Green seagrass leaves with browned tips.
Damage to seagrass leaves likely caused by exposure to elevated water temperature. © Dieter Tracey
  • 145. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A. and Yoshida, R.L. 2023, Marine Monitoring Program: annual report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2021–22. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 149. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A., Yoshida, R.L. 2024, Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2022–23. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 150. Collier, C.J., Langlois, L., Waycott, M., McKenzie, L.J. 2021, Resilience in practice: development of a seagrass resilience metric for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 363. Moran, D., Robson, B., Gruber, R., Waterhouse, J., Logan, M., et al. 2023, Marine Monitoring Program Annual Report 2021-22 Water Quality, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 516. Scott, A.L., York, P.H., Macreadie, P.I. and Rasheed, M.A. 2021, Spatial and temporal variability of green turtle and dugong herbivory in seagrass meadows of the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Marine Ecology Progress Series 667: 225-231.
  • 690. Collier, C.J., Waycott, M. and McKenzie, L.J. 2012, Light thresholds derived from seagrass loss in the coastal zone of the northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Ecological Indicators 23: 211-219.
  • 1883. Department of Environment and Science 2018, Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan 2017-2022, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  • 1903. Marsh, H., Grech, A., McMahon, K. 2018, Dugongs: seagrass community specialists, in Seagrasses of Australia: Structure, Ecology and Conservation, eds A.W.D. Larkum, G.A. Kendrick and P.J. Ralph, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 629-661.
  • 2057. McKenzie, L.J., Langlois, L.A. and Roelfsema, C.M. 2022, Improving approaches to mapping seagrass within the Great Barrier Reef: from field to spaceborne Earth observation, Remote Sensing 14(260): 1-28.
  • 2058. Waycott, M., Longstaff, B.J. and Mellors, J. 2005, Seagrass population dynamics and water quality in the Great Barrier Reef region: A review and future research directions, Marine Pollution Bulletin 51(1-4): 343-350.
  • 2059. Unsworth, R.K.F., Collier, C.J., Waycott, M., Mckenzie, L.J. and Cullen-Unsworth, L.C. 2015, A framework for the resilience of seagrass ecosystems, Marine Pollution Bulletin 100(1): 34-46.
  • 2060. Grech, A., Hanert, E., McKenzie, L., Rasheed, M., Thomas, C., et al. 2018, Predicting the cumulative effect of multiple disturbances on seagrass connectivity, Global Change Biology 24(7): 3093-3104.
  • 2061. Kilminster, K., McMahon, K., Waycott, M., Kendrick, G.A., Scanes, P., et al. 2015, Unravelling complexity in seagrass systems for management: Australia as a microcosm, Science of the Total Environment 534: 97-109.
  • 2062. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2012, A vulnerability assessment for the Great Barrier Reef: Seagrass, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 2063. Udy, J., Waycott, M., Carter, A., Collier, C., Kilminster, K., et al. Monitoring seagrass within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the seagrass expert group 8 June 2018, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 2064. McKenzie, L., Mellors, J., Waycott, M. 2008, Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan - Marine Monitoring Program Intertidal Seagrass, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns.
  • 2065. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A., Yoshida, R.L., Uusitalo, J., et al. 2019, Marine Monitoring Program: Annual Report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2017-2018. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 2066. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C. and Waycott, M. 2014, Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program - Inshore Seagrass, Annual Report for the sampling period 1st July 2011 – 31st May 2012, James Cook University, Cairns.
  • 2067. Schaffelke, B., Thompson, A., Carleton, J., Davidson, J., Doyle, J., Furnas, M., Gunn, K., Skuza, M., Wright, M., Zagorskis, I. 2009, Reef Rescue Marine Monitoring Program. final report of AIMS activities 2008/09, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville.
  • 2068. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J, Langlois, L.A., Yoshida, R.L., Uusitalo, J., Waycott, M 2021, Marine Monitoring Program: Annual Report for Inshore Seagrass Monitoring 2018–19, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 2069. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A., Yoshida, R.L., Smith, N., Takahashi, M., Waycott, M., James Cook University 2015, Marine Monitoring Program: inshore seagrass, annual report for the sampling period 1st June 2013 - 31st May 2014, James Cook University, Townsville.
  • 2070. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A., Yoshida, R.L. and Waycott, M. 2022, Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2020–21. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.