7.1.3 Scale and complexity

The 14 management topics included in the assessment vary in scale and complexity (Table 7.2). The assessment of effectiveness for each management topic was not weighted to consider these differences in scale and complexity. Interrelationships between management topics often create cumulative impacts, which are the interaction of effects between one or more impacts and pressures over time (past, present and future). These cumulative impacts add to the challenge of managing the Region. This complexity is referred to in the risks chapter (Chapter 9) and addressed in the long-term outlook chapter (Chapter 10).

The management topics vary in scale and complexity

Table 7.2
Scale and complexity of management topics
Management topicScaleComplexity
Managing direct use
Commercial marine tourismRegion-wide but variable in intensityMajorModerateModerate
Defence activitiesLimited in areaand durationMinorMinorMinor
FishingRegion-wide but variable in intensityMajorMajorModerate
PortsConcentrated around portsMajorModerateMajor
Recreation (not including fishing)Region-wide but variable in intensityMajorModerateModerate
Research activitiesRegion-wide but limited in intensityMinorModerateMinor
ShippingConcentrated around shipping lanesModerateModerateModerate
Managing external factors
Climate changeRegion-wideMajorMajorMajor
Coastal developmentRegion-wide, but limited to Catchment areas and mainly inshore watersMajorMajorMajor
Land-based runoffCatchment and mainly inshore watersMajorMajorMajor
Managing to protect the Region’s values
Biodiversity valuesRegion-wideModerateMajorModerate
Heritage valuesRegion-wideMajorModerateModerate
Community benefits of the environmentRegion-wideMajorModerateMinor