2.4.3 Benthic algae

Marine benthic algae are a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms incorporating several evolutionary lineages that diverged deep in Earth’s history. Benthic algae include multicellular macroalgae and single-celled microalgae. The macroalgae are highly diverse and occupy most of the Region’s habitats. There are 3 main types, green, brown and red, and a range of forms, from encrusting species to those making up algal turfs, to large fleshy species (seaweeds).264 More than 600 species of macroalgae have been found on the Reef, based on limited collections; that figure represents around 30 per cent of the species in Australia.264 Genetic studies have revealed this number may be considerably higher.265 

Benthic algae perform a range of ecological roles, including contributing a large proportion of the primary production on reefs and in other habitats (Section 3.4.3).264 Algal turfs stabilise sediment, produce oxygen, cycle nutrients, and provide food to grazing herbivores. Filamentous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) living in intensely grazed algal turf communities fix atmospheric nitrogen, contributing to the supply of this key nutrient (Section 3.3.1).266 Crustose calcareous algae contribute to framework cementation, accumulating calcium carbonate and helping bind substrate together into durable surfaces suitable for juvenile corals to settle on.267,268 The green calcareous alga Halimeda and other upright calcareous algae are important producers of carbonate sediment on reef flats and elsewhere (Section 2.3.8).100 Canopy-forming macroalgae contribute structural complexity and other key functions across the seascape, roles that may become increasingly important in a changing climate (Section 6.3.2).269 Nevertheless, how different algal groups will respond to a changing climate remain major knowledge gaps.270

Excessive growth of turf and fleshy macroalgae can occur when there is a shift in the balance of processes affecting algal biomass — for example, a reduction in herbivory or increased availability of limiting nutrients (Section 6.5.2). Once established, some macroalgal species, especially those that grow densely across a range of habitats and depths, can inhibit the recovery of corals following disturbance by suppressing recruitment.271,272 Palaeoecological records show long-term fluctuations in dominance between macroalgae and hard coral of the genus Acropora in the inshore Reef.273

Some macroalgal species can inhibit the recovery of corals following disturbance

Variation in cover of macroalgae along natural spatial gradients, as well as their functional diversity, seasonality, and variable responses to physical and chemical drivers, precludes any simple interpretation of macroalgal cover as a metric of human disturbance,274 and links to availability of land-sourced nutrients are not straightforward.275 The risks of nutrient enrichment promoting macroalgal overgrowth of corals are greatest in areas where herbivores are naturally scarce, such as inshore reefs.276 Dominance of macroalgae is primarily limited to wave-exposed shallow inshore reef flats, crests and upper slopes where hard coral cover is often low.275 Reef-wide monitoring from 1995 to 2021 shows that cover of upright fleshy and calcareous macroalgae increases steeply towards the coast, with increasing latitude and towards shallow depths (less than 3 metres).42,275 However, no clear trends in macroalgal percentage cover were detected over that time, particularly for mid- and outer-shelf reefs.275

There is no dedicated monitoring of benthic algal species on the Reef, and most observations are limited to percentage cover of major algal groups in shallow water as part of coral monitoring programs. On inshore reefs overall, the relative proportion of large fleshy macroalgae has increased or remained stable over the past 5 years in most regions, although variation exists between individual reefs.190 This increase was likely in response to major events, such as cyclone Debbie in the Mackay Whitsunday region. However, local variability is high in the Wet Tropics and Fitzroy regions, where average percentage of macroalgae can reach up to 35 per cent in some locations.185 In offshore areas, macroalgal cover is generally low (less than 5 per cent) but with fluctuations of around 2 to 3 per cent in the Fitzroy region.277 Potential changes in macroalgal cover in response to recent 2023–24 cyclones have not been assessed.

An underwater image of a coral structure that is partially covered in different types of algae including bright green turtleweed (Chlorodesmis species) and mixed turf algae.
Different types of algae growing over coral. © Chris Roelfsema 2021

Turf algae is a consortium of microalgae and macroalgae, including cyanobacteria, which dominates benthic communities on many reefs worldwide.278 In the Region, turf algae are one of the most common benthic algae in assemblages in shallow (less than 5 metres) areas of the Reef, and this has been relatively stable over the past 5 years.277 Turf algae cover ranges from around 50 to 65 per cent in the inshore and mid-shelf reefs of Cape York, but drops to around 25 per cent in outer-shelf reefs.277 In other regions, the distribution pattern is similar between inshore and offshore reefs at around 25 to 50 per cent, except at some sites where turf algae reach average cover of up to 70 per cent.277

Crustose coralline algae (CCA) are calcifying red macroalgae important for reef building 279 (Section 3.4.8). Certain species induce metamorphosis and settlement of corals, while others can inhibit coral settlement.280 Some species support recruitment of crown-of-thorns starfish.281 Cover of CCA has remained stable over the past 5 years across the Region, usually ranging from one to 40 per cent.277 Highest cover (up to 50 per cent of total benthic algae) occurs in some of the offshore Ribbon Reefs in Cape York.277 Recently, 3 new species of CCA belonging to the genus Porolithon have been described in the Region.282 The increasing prominence of a group of rapidly spreading encrusting algae known as peyssonnelid algal crusts is an emerging issue reported from the Caribbean and wider Indo-Pacific.283 It is unclear if this is occurring in the Region. 

Among the benthic microalgae, Symbiodiniaceae is the most common group to establish symbiotic relationships with corals (as zooxanthellae) and other organisms like benthic foraminifera, giant clams and sea anemones.284,285,286 Macroalgal surfaces support high abundances of these organisms, suggesting a key role for macroalgae in ensuring the ecological success of corals, particularly after bleaching.287 While no monitoring program currently exists to assess diversity of benthic microalgae, several studies suggest that benthic populations of free-living coral symbionts have shifted to more thermally tolerant variants following the 2016 mass coral bleaching.288

Benthic algal cover in shallow reef areas has been relatively stable over the past 5 years. Significant variation exists across this diverse group. Future ocean warming and acidification may adversely affect coralline algae while providing increased opportunities for turf algae and fleshy macroalgae. Populations of microalgae important for coral symbioses may be shifting to more thermally tolerant variants.

  • 42. Waterhouse, J., Pineda, M., Sambrook, K., Newlands, M., McKenzie, L., et al. 2024, 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement: Conclusions, in 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement on land-based impacts on Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition, eds J. Waterhouse, M. Pineda and K. Sambrook, Commonwealth of Australia and Queensland Government.
  • 100. Hamylton, S.M., McLean, R., Lowe, M. and Adnan, F.A.F. 2019, Ninety years of change on a low wooded island, Great Barrier Reef, Royal Society Open Science 6(6): 181314.
  • 185. Thompson, A., Davidson, J., Logan, M. and Thompson, C. 2023, Marine Monitoring Program Annual Report for Inshore Coral Reef Monitoring: 2021–22. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 190. Thompson, A., Davidson, J., Logan, M. and Thompson, C. 2024, Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore coral reef monitoring 2022–23. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 264. Diaz-Pulido, G. 2019, Macroalgae, in The Great Barrier Reef: Biology, Environment and Management, eds P. Hutchings, M. Kingsford and O. Hoegh-Guldberg, 2nd edn, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia, pp. 207–218.
  • 265. Puk, L.D., Vieira, C., Roff, G., De Clerck, O. and Mumby, P.J. 2020, Cryptic diversity in the macroalgal genus Lobophora (Dictyotales) reveals environmental drivers of algal assemblages, Marine Biology 167(12): 188.
  • 266. Cardini, U., Bednarz, V.N., Foster, R.A. and Wild, C. 2014, Benthic N2 fixation in coral reefs and the potential effects of human‐induced environmental change, Ecology and Evolution 4(9): 1706-1727.
  • 267. Johansen, H.W. 2018, Coralline algae: a first synthesis, CRC press, Boca Raton.
  • 268. Macintyre, I.G., Steneck, R.S. and Ginsburg, R.N. 1997, Confusion concerning crustose corallines and coral reefs, Reef Encounter 22(8).
  • 269. Fulton, C.J., Abesamis, R.A., Berkström, C., Depczynski, M., Graham, N.A., et al. 2019, Form and function of tropical macroalgal reefs in the Anthropocene, Functional Ecology 33(6): 989-999.
  • 270. Tebbett, S.B., Crisp, S.K., Evans, R.D., Fulton, C.J., Pessarrodona, A., et al. 2023, On the challenges of identifying benthic dominance on Anthropocene coral reefs, Bioscience 73(3): 220-228.
  • 271. Birrell, C.L., McCook, L.J., Willis, B.L. and Diaz-Pulido, G.A. 2008, Effects of benthic algae on the replenishment of corals and the implications for the resilience of coral reefs, Oceanography and Marine Biology: An annual review 46: 25-63.
  • 272. Evensen, N.R., Doropoulos, C., Morrow, K.M., Motti, C.A. and Mumby, P.J. 2019, Inhibition of coral settlement at multiple spatial scales by a pervasive algal competitor, Marine Ecology Progress Series 612: 29-42.
  • 273. Del Carmen Gomez Cabrera, M., Young, J.M., Roff, G., Staples, T., Ortiz, J.C., et al. 2019, Broadening the taxonomic scope of coral reef palaeoecological studies using ancient DNA, Molecular ecology 28(10): 2636-2652.
  • 274. Cannon, S.E., Donner, S.D., Liu, A., González Espinosa, P.C., Baird, A.H., et al. 2023, Macroalgae exhibit diverse responses to human disturbances on coral reefs, Global Change Biology.
  • 275. Fabricius, K.E., Crossman, K., Jonker, M., Mongin, M. and Thompson, A. 2023, Macroalgal cover on coral reefs: Spatial and environmental predictors, and decadal trends in the Great Barrier Reef, PloS One 18(1): e0279699.
  • 276. Diaz-Pulido, G., Reyes-Nivia, C., Adame, M.F., Arthington, A., Collier, C. and Lovelock, C. 2024, 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement: Summary | Evidence Statement for Question 4.2: What are the measured impacts of nutrients on GBR ecosystems, what are the mechanism(s) for those impacts and where is there evidence of this occurring in the GBR? in 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement on land-based impacts on Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition, eds J. Waterhouse, M. Pineda and K. Sambrook, Commonwealth of Australia and Queensland Government.
  • 277. Australian Institute of Marine Science 2023, Reef monitoring, <https://apps.aims.gov.au/reef-monitoring/reefs>.
  • 278. Connell, S. D., Foster, M. S., Airoldi, L. 2014, What are algal turfs? Towards a better description of turfs, Marine Ecology Progress Series 495: 299-307.
  • 279. Lewis, B., Kennedy, E. V., Diaz-Pulido, G. 2017, Seasonal growth and calcification of a reef-building crustose coralline alga on the Great Barrier Reef, Marine Ecology Progress Series 568: 73-86.
  • 280. Whitman, T.N., Negri, A.P., Bourne, D.G. and Randall, C.J. 2020, Settlement of larvae from four families of corals in response to a crustose coralline alga and its biochemical morphogens, Scientific Reports 10(1): 16397.
  • 281. Smith, J.N., Mongin, M., Thompson, A., Jonker, M.J., De'ath, G., et al. 2020, Shifts in coralline algae, macroalgae, and coral juveniles in the Great Barrier Reef associated with present-day ocean acidification, Global Change Biology 26(4): 2149-2160.
  • 282. Jeong, S.Y., Gabrielson, P.W., Hughey, J.R., Hoey, A.S., Cho, T.O., et al. 2023, New branched Porolithon species (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) from the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Sea, and Lord Howe Island, Journal of Phycology 59(6): 1179-1201.
  • 283. Edmunds, P.J., Schils, T. and Wilson, B. 2023, The rising threat of peyssonnelioid algal crusts on coral reefs, Current Biology 33(21): R1140-R1141.
  • 284. Prazeres, M. and Renema, W. 2019, Evolutionary significance of the microbial assemblages of large benthic Foraminifera, Biological Reviews 94(3): 828-848.
  • 285. Mies, M. 2019, Evolution, diversity, distribution and the endangered future of the giant clam–Symbiodiniaceae association, Coral Reefs 38: 1067-1084.
  • 286. Tortorelli, G., Belderok, R., Davy, S. K., McFadden, G. I., van Oppen, M. J. H. 2020, Host genotypic effect on algal symbiosis establishment in the coral model, the anemone Exaiptasia diaphana, from the Great Barrier Reef, Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 833.
  • 287. Fujise, L., Suggett, D.J., Stat, M., Kahlke, T., Bunce, M., et al. 2021, Unlocking the phylogenetic diversity, primary habitats, and abundances of free-living Symbiodiniaceae on a coral reef, Molecular ecology 30(1): 343-360.
  • 288. Quigley, K.M., Ramsby, B., Laffy, P., Harris, J., Mocellin, V.J.L., et al. 2022, Symbioses are restructured by repeated mass coral bleaching, Science Advances 8(49): eabq8349.