2.3.4 Seagrass meadows

Seagrass meadows are among the most extensive and important habitats in the Region, providing stability to the seafloor,131 cycling nutrients,132 and sequestering and storing carbon.133,134 They are considered key ‘blue carbon’ ecosystems.117,127 Approximately 3464 square kilometres of inshore seagrass meadows have been mapped in the World Heritage Area, and approximately 32,000 square kilometres occur in deeper waters.130 The total estimated area represents nearly half of Australia’s, and between 13 and 22 per cent of the world’s, seagrass meadows — making the Region’s seagrass resources globally significant.133,135 

Seagrass meadows provide shelter and anchoring structures for small fish, prawns, and various other invertebrates.136,137 These provide food for both resident and migratory fish species, thereby facilitating connectivity and productivity of fisheries.138,139 Deep-water meadows tend to support larger-bodied fish and invertebrates but are not as productive as inshore meadows for fisheries resources.140 Seagrasses are also a food source for dugongs and green turtles, which are important to First Nations communities.141 These larger grazers play critical roles in structuring and connecting seagrass meadows.142,143

The Region’s seagrass ecosystems are a complex mosaic of different meadow types with multiple species.144 They are found in estuaries, sheltered intertidal and subtidal coastal areas, in deep water, and on coral reefs.144,145 All are subject to frequent disturbance from wave and air exposure, for example, and naturally fluctuate in extent and condition.42

Deep-water meadows, which grow below 15 metres and down to 76 metres,146 are poorly documented compared to shallower meadows, and their extent is largely inferred from models of habitat suitability.147 They are usually sparse and have a high capacity for recovery as long as seed reserves remain intact.148

An underwater image of a Picasso triggerfish swimming over seagrass.
Picasso triggerfish swimming over seagrass meadow at Green Island. © Dieter Tracey 2020

The primary threat to seagrass meadows is poor inshore water quality caused by land‑based runoff or wind-driven resuspension of sediments (Section 6.5.2). Poor water quality reduces the amount of light available to seagrasses for photosynthesis, either directly (suspended sediments absorb and reflect light) or indirectly (excess nutrients promote the growth of algae in the water, on the sea floor, and on the seagrass itself) (Section 3.2.7).145 Pesticides from land-based run-off, thermal stress from rising sea temperatures,42 anchor damage, and acute disturbance events, such as cyclones, can also damage these habitats. In turn, seagrass habitat depletion affects dependent species, such as dugongs (Section 2.4.16) and marine turtles (Section 2.4.10).

Long-term seagrass condition is measured through seagrass abundance and resilience, which are summarised as a seagrass condition index.149 Reef-wide seagrass abundance reached a low point in 2019–2020 due to cumulative pressures and legacy impacts of cyclones, floods and heat stress, but condition has since improved. Increase in seagrass abundance is one of the factors underlying the recovery in seagrass condition. In approximately 60 per cent of the monitoring sites, abundance either improved or remained stable over the past 3 monitoring years (2020–21, 2021–22 and 2022–23). Since 2019, seagrass losses in the northern regions have subsided. The greatest improvement was seen in the Burdekin Natural Resource Management (NRM) region as it recovered from the effects of heavy rainfall and above-average discharge in early 2019. However, declines in abundances were detected in all 3 southern regions during 2020–21 and although these declines have abated in the Mackay Whitsunday and Fitzroy NRM regions, they have continued in the Burnett Mary NRM region (Figure 2.4).149 Data from monitoring programs will assist in determining the effects of the high temperatures, cyclones and associated flooding that occurred during summer 2023–24.

Condition of seagrass habitat has improved in northern regions

A new resilience metric has been developed and included as part of the seagrass condition index since the 2020–21 reporting period 150 (Section 8.3.2). In the past 5 years, resilience has generally improved. However, in the southernmost regions, measured resilience continued to decline over the past 3 monitoring years (2020–21, 2021–22 and 2022–23), and these meadows remain vulnerable to further disturbances. Across the Region, the recent impact of marine heatwaves is likely impairing recovery in exposed areas, even when meadows exhibit a substantial level of resilient traits.149

Figure 2.4
Condition of inshore seagrass meadows in each region between 2005–06 and 2022–23

Black line with circles represents the seagrass condition index score. Values are scaled from 0 to 100 (no unit) and colours indicate grade. Dark blue = very good (81–100). Blue = good (61–80), Yellow= moderate (41–60), Orange = poor (21–40), Red = very poor (0–20). The seagrass condition index combines indicators for seagrass abundance (teal line) and resilience (purple line). The condition (and trend in condition) of seagrass meadows varies at a regional scale. Over the past 5 years, condition has stabilised or improved in northern regions, but continued to deteriorate in southern regions. Source: McKenzie et al. (2024)149

This timeseries graph shows annual results for the Marine Monitoring Program seagrass index from the 2005–06 to 2022–23 monitoring years in the Cape York, Wet Tropics, Burdekin, Mackay Whitsundays, Fitzroy, and Burnett Mary regions.. The seagrass index combines scores for seagrass abundance and resilience on a scale of zero to one hundred.

Seagrasses are affected by increasing temperatures and localised poor water quality. Recent shifts away from colonising species in northern regions are indicative of post-disturbance recovery. Due to impacts from flooding, seagrasses in the southern Fitzroy and Burnett Mary regions have not shown the same recovery. Information on condition of deep-water seagrass meadows is limited. Acknowledging regional variation, overall condition across the Region is assessed as good (borderline poor). In some parts of the Region, summer 2023–24 brought multiple stress events, the effects of which are not yet known.

  • 42. Waterhouse, J., Pineda, M., Sambrook, K., Newlands, M., McKenzie, L., et al. 2024, 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement: Conclusions, in 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement on land-based impacts on Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition, eds J. Waterhouse, M. Pineda and K. Sambrook, Commonwealth of Australia and Queensland Government.
  • 117. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 2024, Blue Carbon, <https://www.ioc.unesco.org/en/blue-carbon>.
  • 127. Department of Climate Change Energy the Environment and Water 2024, National Ocean Ecosystem Account, Commonwealth of Australia, <https://eea.environment.gov.au/accounts/ocean-accounts/national-ocean-ecosystem-account>.
  • 130. McKenzie, L., Pineda, M., Grech, A. and Thompson, A. 2024, 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement: Summary | Evidence Statement for Question 1.2/1.3/2.1: What is the extent and condition of Great Barrier Reef ecosystems, and what are the primary threats to their health? in 2022 Scientific Consensus Statement on land-based impacts on Great Barrier Reef water quality and ecosystem condition, eds J. Waterhouse, M. Pineda and K. Sambrook, Commonwealth of Australia and Queensland Government.
  • 131. Paul, M. 2018, The protection of sandy shores–can we afford to ignore the contribution of seagrass? Marine Pollution Bulletin 134: 152-159.
  • 132. Burkholder, J.M., Tomasko, D.A. and Touchette, B.W. 2007, Seagrasses and eutrophication, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 350(1-2): 46-72.
  • 133. York, P.H., Macreadie, P.I. and Rasheed, M.A. 2018, Blue Carbon stocks of Great Barrier Reef deep-water seagrasses, Biology Letters 14(12): 20180529.
  • 134. Lavery, P.S., Mateo, M., Serrano, O. and Rozaimi, M. 2013, Variability in the Carbon Storage of Seagrass Habitats and Its Implications for Global Estimates of Blue Carbon Ecosystem Service, PloS One 8(9): e73748.
  • 135. McKenzie, L.J., Nordlund, L.M., Jones, B.L., Cullen-Unsworth, L.C., Roelfsema, C., et al. 2020, The global distribution of seagrass meadows, Environmental Research Letters 15(7): 074041.
  • 136. Heck Jr, K.L., Hays, G. and Orth, R.J. 2003, Critical evaluation of the nursery role hypothesis for seagrass meadows, Marine Ecology Progress Series 253: 123-136.
  • 137. Saenger, P., Gartside, D. and Funge-Smith, S. 2013, A review of mangrove and seagrass ecosystems and their linkage to fisheries and fisheries management, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok.
  • 138. Robblee, M.B. and Zieman, J.C. 1984, Diel variation in the fish fauna of a tropical seagrass feeding ground, Bulletin of Marine Science 34(3): 335-345.
  • 139. Heck, K.L., Carruthers, T.J., Duarte, C.M., Hughes, A.R., Kendrick, G., et al. 2008, Trophic transfers from seagrass meadows subsidize diverse marine and terrestrial consumers, Ecosystems 11: 1198-1210.
  • 140. Hayes, M.A., McClure, E.C., York, P.H., Jinks, K.I., Rasheed, M.A., et al. 2020, The differential importance of deep and shallow seagrass to nekton assemblages of the Great Barrier Reef, Diversity 12(8): 292.
  • 141. Marsh, H., O'Shea, T.J. and Reynolds III, J.E. 2011, Ecology and conservation of the Sirenia: dugongs and manatees, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • 142. Scott, A.L., York, P.H. and Rasheed, M.A. 2021, Herbivory has a major influence on structure and condition of a Great Barrier Reef subtropical seagrass meadow, Estuaries and Coasts 44(2): 506-521.
  • 143. Tol, S.J., Jarvis, J.C., York, P.H., Grech, A., Congdon, B.C., et al. 2017, Long distance biotic dispersal of tropical seagrass seeds by marine mega-herbivores, Scientific Reports 7(1): 4458.
  • 144. Carruthers, T.J.B., Dennison, W.C., Longstaff, B., Waycott, M., Abal, E.G., et al. 2002, Seagrass habitats of northeast Australia: Models of key processes and controls, Bulletin of Marine Science 71(3): 1153-1169.
  • 145. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A. and Yoshida, R.L. 2023, Marine Monitoring Program: annual report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2021–22. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 146. Carter, A.B., McKenna, S.A., Rasheed, M.A., Collier, C., McKenzie, L., et al. 2021, Synthesizing 35 years of seagrass spatial data from the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Queensland, Australia, Limnology and Oceanography Letters 6(4): 216-226.
  • 147. Coles, R., McKenzie, L., De’ath, G., Roelofs, A. and Lee Long, W. 2009, Spatial distribution of deepwater seagrass in the inter-reef lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Marine Ecology Progress Series 392: 57-68.
  • 148. Rasheed, M.A., McKenna, S.A., Carter, A.B. and Coles, R.G. 2014, Contrasting recovery of shallow and deep water seagrass communities following climate associated losses in tropical north Queensland, Australia, Marine Pollution Bulletin 83(2): 491-499.
  • 149. McKenzie, L.J., Collier, C.J., Langlois, L.A., Yoshida, R.L. 2024, Marine Monitoring Program: Annual report for inshore seagrass monitoring 2022–23. Report for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 150. Collier, C.J., Langlois, L., Waycott, M., McKenzie, L.J. 2021, Resilience in practice: development of a seagrass resilience metric for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Monitoring Program, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.