4.2.3 Major stages in the Earth’s evolutionary history (criterion viii)

Contained within the structures of its reef formations and diverse ecosystems, the modern Great Barrier Reef holds outstanding examples of the Earth’s evolutionary history.1079 Geological coring has revealed a complex history of reef growth and regression as sea levels rose and fell through a sequence of ice ages during the Pleistocene epoch.1080 Between coral reefs, the lagoon floor (Section 2.3.6) preserves records of ancient shorelines and river courses. 205,1081 The diversity of reef islands (Section 2.3.1) reflects the varied geometries and relative sea level histories of the reefs on which they formed.97 This evolutionary history not only has intrinsic value but represents a vital repository of data that can inform evidence-based responses to environmental challenges, such as climate change.775,1082

Since 2019, important advancements have extended our scientific understanding of the Reef’s evolution. These include insights into the origin of the Reef itself. One study links the formation of K’gari (formerly Fraser Island) around 800,000 years ago, and its consequential interruption of longshore drift, to the preconditions for coral formation in the Region.1083 Recent studies have considered sea temperatures,1084 turbidity,775,1085 tectonically driven subsidence of central parts of the continental shelf 1086,1087 and other environmental factors affecting the geomorphology and growth history of the Reef since the last ice age.1088 

Other studies have explored the influence of reef platforms on the development and evolution of seafloor features 1089 and of reef growth patterns 1090 during periods of low sea level, such as the last glacial maximum. Halimeda bioherms (Section 2.3.8), recognised for their contribution to the Reef’s outstanding universal value,1079 have also been a focus of study.234,1091 More recent geomorphological changes have also been documented, such as the development and growth of low wooded islands.100,123 Taken together, these findings underscore the importance of the Reef as a living archive of key chapters in the Earth’s evolutionary history. 

Recent research has advanced understanding of the Reef’s origins

The Reef is considered resilient with respect to the geological and geomorphological processes that have shaped and link the Region’s habitats across the continental shelf to the continental slope and abyssal plains.97,186 However, the effects from climate change, such as ocean acidification (very high risk), sea-temperature increase (very high risk) and sea-level rise (very high risk) present a threat to this world heritage criterion. 

The combined impacts on key organisms 1092 are likely to affect not only ecosystems (Section 6.3.2) but also reef structures.1093 For example, if not effectively mitigated, climate change will lead to reduced growth and diminished structural integrity of some reefs. Persistent rubble beds will become more widespread, reducing the structural complexity of reef habitat.1094

The Reef’s ability to change and adapt to shifting environmental conditions over millennia has made it a living document of major stages in the Earth’s evolutionary history. However, if current trajectories of climate change continue unabated, declining ecosystem condition and damage to key features, especially coral reefs, will erode the Region’s outstanding universal value.

  • 97. Smithers, S.G., Harvey, N., Hopley, D. and Woodroffe, C.D. 2007, Vulnerability of geomorphological features in the Great Barrier Reef to climate change, in Climate Change and the Great Barrier Reef: a Vulnerability Assessment, eds J.E. Johnson and P.A. Marshall, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and Australian Greenhouse Office, Townsville, pp. 667-716.
  • 100. Hamylton, S.M., McLean, R., Lowe, M. and Adnan, F.A.F. 2019, Ninety years of change on a low wooded island, Great Barrier Reef, Royal Society Open Science 6(6): 181314.
  • 205. Wust, R., Webster, J.andBeaman, R. 2008, Multiphase palaeochannel development on the Great Barrier Reef Shelf, Australia, Geological Society of Australia.
  • 234. McNeil, M., Nothdurft, L.D., Hua, Q., Webster, J.M. and Moss, P. 2022, Evolution of the inter-reef Halimeda carbonate factory in response to Holocene sea-level and environmental change in the Great Barrier Reef, Quaternary Science Reviews 277: 107347.
  • 775. Salas-Saavedra, M., Webb, G.E., Sanborn, K.L., Zhao, J., Webster, J.M., et al. 2022, Holocene microbialite geochemistry records > 6000 years of secular influence of terrigenous flux on water quality for the southern Great Barrier Reef, Chemical Geology 604: 120871.
  • 1079. UNESCO World Heritage Convention 2023, World Heritage List — Great Barrier Reef, <https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/154/>.
  • 1080. Webb, G. and Webster, J. 2022, Scientific drilling on the Great Barrier Reef: unlocking the history of the reef, in Coral Reefs of Australia: Perspectives from Beyond the Water's Edge, eds S.M. Hamylton, P. Hutchings and O. Hoegh-Guldberg, CSIRO Publishing, Australia, pp. 124–130.
  • 1083. Ellerton, D., Rittenour, T.M., Shulmeister, J., Roberts, A.P., Miot da Silva, G., et al. 2022, Fraser Island (K'gari) and initiation of the Great Barrier Reef linked by Middle Pleistocene sea-level change, Nature Geoscience 15: 1017-1026.
  • 1084. Brenner, L.D., Linsley, B.K., Webster, J.M., Potts, D., Felis, T., et al. 2020, Coral record of Younger Dryas chronozone warmth on the Great Barrier Reef, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35(12): e2020PA003962.
  • 1086. Dechnik, B., Webster, J.M., Webb, G.E., Nothdurft, L. and Zhao, J. 2017, Successive phases of Holocene reef flat development: Evidence from the mid- to outer Great Barrier Reef, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 466: 221-230.
  • 1088. Duce, S., Dechnik, B., Webster, J.M., Hua, Q., Sadler, J., et al. 2020, Mechanisms of spur and groove development and implications for reef platform evolution, Quaternary Science Reviews 231: 106155.
  • 1089. Thran, A.C., East, M., Webster, J.M., Salles, T. and Petit, C. 2020, The influence of carbonate platforms on the geomorphological development of a mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic margin (Great Barrier Reef, Australia), Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21(4): e2020GC008915.
  • 1090. Fujita, K., Yagioka, N., Nakada, C., Kan, H., Miyairi, Y., et al. 2019, Reef-flat and back-reef development in the Great Barrier Reef caused by rapid sea-level fall during the Last Glacial Maximum (30–17 ka), Geology 48(1): 39-43.
  • 1092. Wernberg, T., Thomsen, M.S., Baum, J.K., Bishop, M.J., Bruno, J.F., et al. 2024, Impacts of climate change on marine foundation species, Annual Review of Marine Science 16: 247-282.
  • 1093. Browne, N.K., Cuttler, M., Moon, K., Morgan, K., Ross, C.L., et al. 2021, Predicting responses of geo-ecological carbonate reef systems to climate change: a conceptual model and review, in Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review CRC Press, pp. 229-370.
  • 1094. Leung, S.K. and Mumby, P.J. 2024, Mapping the susceptibility of reefs to rubble accumulation across the Great Barrier Reef, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 196(211): 211.