Grading statements — Indigenous, historic and other historic heritage values
Heritage values have been systematically and comprehensively identified and included in relevant inventories or reserves. Known heritage values are well maintained and retain a high degree of integrity.
Heritage values have been mostly identified and included in relevant inventories or reserves. Known heritage values are generally maintained and retain much of their integrity.
Heritage values have not been systematically identified. Known heritage values are degrading and generally lack integrity.
Heritage values have not been identified. Known heritage values are degraded and lack integrity.
Borderline Indicates where a component or criterion is considered close to satisfying the adjacent grading statement.
Adequate high-quality evidence and high level of consensus
Limited evidence or limited consensus
Inferred, very limited evidence
The Region’s scientific heritage value is underpinned by the sharing and creation of knowledge. The Australian people’s concern about the declining condition of the Reef remains. Their connection to its environment and natural beauty continues to be strong.
People continue to see the Reef as part of their personal and national identity and value its importance. An expressed willingness to undertake actions for Reef health, in turn, supports human wellbeing. However, there is also evidence of feelings of uncertainty and an increased awareness of the threats to the Reef, with a general lack of specific knowledge in how to help address and mitigate these threats on a personal level.
Aesthetic beauty is aligned to perceptions of the condition of the Region’s ecosystems. The perception of the aesthetic beauty of the Reef remains high, despite some declines in the condition of underpinning habitats and species.
The long history of Traditional Owners living on, and researchers studying, the Reef is significant. The Reef’s prominence in scientific literature and long-term studies continues to increase.