5.6 Research and educational activities

The Reef is of strong scientific interest due to its high biological and ecological diversity, geomorphology, and broad heritage values (natural, Indigenous, historic and heritage values). Scientific research has made, and continues to make, a critical contribution to the way the Region is understood, managed and used.1254,1386,1387 Research on the Great Barrier Reef also has global significance and is of value to the understanding and management of coral reefs beyond Australia.1388,1389 

The Reef is of strong scientific interest and research is globally significant

This section considers research and educational activities as a direct use of the Region. This includes activities that occur within the Region boundaries under Marine Parks permissions, and limited impact research and limited impact education programs conducted by accredited institutions (as defined in the zoning plans). Educational programs are those that access the Marine Parks and involve the systematic education of participants in a particular skill or topic, where none of the participants are tourists. Education, stewardship and management of tourists are discussed in Section 5.2. Reef research that does not involve direct use of the Region is considered in a general way.

  • 1254. Leigh, G.M., Janes, R., Williams, S.M. and Martin, T. 2022, Stock Assessment of Queensland East Coast black jewfish (Protonibea diacanthus), Australia, with data to December 2021, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1386. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2021, Science and knowledge needs for management, GBRMPA, Townsville.
  • 1387. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2017, Great Barrier Reef blueprint for resilience, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 1388. G20 Coral Research & Development Accelerator Program Coral Research & Development Accelerator Program, <https://cordap.org/>.
  • 1389. International Coral Reef Initiative, (2024, International Coral Reef Initiative: A global partnership for the preservation of the world’s coral reefs and associated ecosystems, <https://icriforum.org/>.