5.4.3 Impacts of fishing

Fishing removes biomass from the Region and, when harvest is not conducted in an ecologically sustainable way, it can affect the abundance of targeted species locally and at a population level. Declines in populations of culturally significant species affected by fishing can have flow-on implications for the Region’s Indigenous heritage values (Section 4.3), such as cultural practices, observances, lore, stories, songlines and sites. 

Since 2019, the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy has guided a range of key efforts by the Queensland Government to better understand the impacts of fishing, including through updated stock assessments, stock status reports, ecological risk assessments and a data validation plan (Box 5.3). Approximately 42 per cent of more than 60 Queensland east coast fisheries resources that are fished within the Reef have been assessed as sustainable.1325,1326 However, 32 per cent have not been assessed or are undefined and the status of some targeted species remain cause for community and scientific concerns.793,1256,1261,1265,1276 

Box 5.3

Validating commercial fishing data

The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries currently collects commercial fishing data from a wide range of sources, including commercial logbooks, catch disposal records, quota notices and vessel tracking systems. Independent validation of catch, effort and protected species interactions will ensure accurate information is used to inform best-practice management decisions that support the sustainable management of fisheries resources. 

As part of the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy,1251 a key action was the creation of a fisheries data validation plan in 2018.1327 The plan provides a framework for the validation and collection of more accurate fisheries information with priority actions, including range checks, cross checks, forensic auditing, improved data systems, education, electronic logbooks and electronic monitoring.1327

Major reforms to Queensland fisheries legislation through the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy has changed reporting requirements. In 2023, the data validation plan was updated 1328 and future work will focus on further developing the Qld eFisher app, progressing the electronic monitoring project with a field trial, reviewing and updating range and cross checks, and improving data systems.1328 In 2024, independent data validation was mandated in some Queensland fisheries, including gillnet and trawl fisheries. Evaluation trials for onboard cameras have commenced with new net licence symbols being released with mandated onboard cameras.

Improved data collection and independent data validation is a critical step toward improving our understanding of impacts from fishing, particularly in relation to interactions with species of conservation concern.

Predators, such as coral trout, emperors, mackerel and sharks, make up nearly 40 per cent of the total commercial harvest (Figure 5.11) and the majority of the recreational fishing catch.1225 Reductions in predator populations can have long-term effects on marine systems, including direct and indirect effects on the food chain (Section 3.4.5). For example, predator abundance and behaviour changes can alter food webs and result in flow-on effects for herbivore populations that moderate algal cover on coral reefs.1329,1330,1331

Some predatory species are subject to considerable fishing effort, as demonstrated by stock assessment and stock status findings described earlier in this section for Australian snapper, pearl perch, Spanish mackerel, saddletail snapper and black jewfish.1261,1265,1257 1276 1254 In some cases, assessments are hindered by data limitations, and no stock assessment has been completed for some key target species.

Some sharks and rays are at higher risk from fishing than others.817,1332,1333,1334,1335,1336 The stock statuses of three common species of reef shark have been assessed as sustainable. However, current assessments of other shark species are lacking, including hammerhead sharks and bronze whaler. Sharks and rays are discarded in the trawl fishery, but mortality and health impacts are still a concern.1337,1338,1339,1340 The equipment used in the Queensland Shark Control Program extracts targeted sharks and also interacts with other species, including some species of conservation concern (Section 5.4.1).

Particle feeders (such as prawns and scallops) account for more than half of the weight of the total retained commercial catch across the Region’s four main fishery types (Figure 5.1).1227 Overharvesting will cause population declines. Saucer scallops were identified as depleted in 2022 with limited evidence of recovery since 2016.793 Potential flow-on effects of extraction include damage to other particle feeders, such as sponges, and changes to other ecosystem processes (for example, to predation through changed feeding opportunities).9 Uncertainties around the impact of coral harvest remain and existing efforts to improve data collection and reporting in the harvest fishery are expected to enhance this understanding.

In addition to extracting retained catch, fishing can cause death, or injury and stress, to the discarded species. For example, post-trawl survival analysis for two small elasmobranch (shark and ray) species caught incidentally in the Region’s prawn fisheries found lowered survival with increased time on deck and differences in capture and release resilience.1338

Preliminary analysis for the Region in the Outlook Report 2009 suggested non-retained catch (discards and bycatch) by commercial fisheries is likely to be significantly higher than the retained catch, with the trawl fishery responsible for most of the non-retained catch.3 Discards from the Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery declined by around  one third between 1988 and 2014 primarily due to concurrent reductions in fishing effort over this period.1341 Due to an increase in fishing effort, discards from the deepwater eastern king prawn component of the trawl fishery approximately doubled from 1988 to 2014, which contrasts markedly with the other components of the fishery and the overall fishery trend. Discard rates in the shallow eastern king prawn component of the trawl fishery were 3 to 6 times higher than the deepwater fishery.1341 Commercial fisheries are not required to report discards so discard rates in the trawl fishery since 2014, and from other fisheries, remain poorly quantified. 

Figure 5.11
Ecological groups retained by major commercial fisheries in the Great Barrier Reef in 2007, 2012, 2017 and 2022

Predators and particle feeders make up the majority of the harvest retained by commercial fishing in the Region. Particle feeders include species that are primarily filter feeders, detritivores and scavengers. Data are for commercial retained catch only. Discarded catch and bycatch are not included. Source: Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2023 1230

A column graph depicting the harvest (in tonnes) of predators, omnivores, herbivores, particle feeders and other/unknown by line, net, plot and trawl fisheries in 2007, 2012, 2017 and 2022.

Recreational fishers generally release more than 70 per cent of animals caught due to catch-and-release practices or due to the catch being undesirable, too small or outside the legal size limit.1224 Sharks and rays are not generally targeted by recreational fishers; an estimated 95 per cent of these catches are released because they are unwanted.1224 Catch-and-release practices presume the fish is likely to resume normal behaviour and survive.1342 However, stress or injury from fishing interactions can lead to post‑release mortality. Behavioural impairments can increase a released fish’s susceptibility to predation.1343 Recreational fishing can be a significant pressure on coastal fish stocks, with recreational harvest exceeding commercial harvest for some species.1223,1225,1344

Information from voluntary recreational fisher boat ramp and diary surveys are highly valuable but are limited in their ability to allow a comprehensive assessment of recreational fishing take and associated impacts. Recreational fishers typically harvest a wider range of species and size classes than those targeted and taken by commercial fishers. The increase in efficiency of recreational fishers through new technologies, such as GPS, side-scan and three-dimensional sonar, and changes to fisher behaviour, such as rapid information transfer via social media, may alter the harvest profile of the fishery in the Region.1345,1346 Impacts to particular species or stocks from recreational fishing are difficult to quantify due to the high number of fishers and different techniques used. New research methods are being trialled under the Sustainable Fisheries Strategy to improve estimates of recreational harvest and effort.

Recreational fishing take and associated impacts is a not well understood

Understanding depredation of catch, which occurs when a fish caught in fishing apparatus is completely or partially consumed by other marine animals before it can be landed, is coming under increasing focus.839,842,844,1347,1348 Depredation can lead to economic (lost fishing gear and catch), social (reduced quality of fishing experience and conflict between stakeholders) and ecological (increased mortality of target species, injury and bycatch of sharks) impacts.1347 Depredation is likely to lead to underestimates of fish mortality in both commercial and recreational fisheries and may affect stock assessments. However, the nature and scale of depredation impacts on biodiversity, social and economic values remain a knowledge gap.407,839 

Incidental capture, entanglement and death of species of conservation concern as a result of commercial fishing continue to affect the Region’s ecological values.1349 ,461 The 2021 Queensland ecological risk assessment for the East Coast Inshore Fishery identified that gillnets present a high risk to the majority of species of conservation concern.1349 These species, such as inshore dolphins, dugongs, sawfishes and some marine turtles, are particularly vulnerable.1350,1351,1352,1353,1354 Loss of even small numbers of individuals may have a substantial effect on population status, resilience and rate of recovery from past impacts. The 2023 Queensland ecological risk assessment for the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery identified several species at high risk from trawling activities based on these vulnerabilities, and further management action was required to reduce risks to one species, green sawfish, in the Region.437

Between 2003 and 2017, the East Coast Inshore Fishery reported around 2000 green turtle interactions from large mesh net operations, followed by loggerhead turtles and hawksbill turtles with 124 and 41 interactions, respectively.1349 In the same period, 37 dugong and 6 dolphin interactions were reported. Interactions are also reported through the Queensland StrandNet marine wildlife stranding and deaths database,461 though not all incidents can be directly attributed to in situ fishing activities (as opposed to marine debris and ghost nets).

Between 2019 and 2021, in the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery, approximately 2400 interactions were reported with threatened, endangered and protected animals of which more than 99 per cent were sea snakes. Despite mandatory reporting of these incidents, many interactions are not reported, and reporting of the survival of released animals may be inaccurate.1349 Therefore, the magnitude of the impact is likely to be underestimated and concerns remain about the reliability and accuracy of report interactions. It is also important to consider the cumulative impact of interactions across multiple fisheries.1355 The removal of gillnets from the Marine Park by 2027 is expected to reduce the likelihood of interactions. Work is progressing under a Queensland Data Validation Plan, with a key focus on field trials of onboard cameras, control systems and software to detect and provide validated reporting of interactions during commercial trawl fishing activities (Box 5.3).1327

A photo of a discarded crab pot at low tide with mangroves in the background.
Discarded crab pot at low tide. © Connie Rowe 2023

Fish spawning aggregations are recognised as a natural phenomenon that contributes to the Reef’s outstanding universal value.1356 They are protected to some extent by the current zoning arrangements. Seasonal fishing closures have been introduced since 2019 for Spanish mackerel, snapper and pearl perch. Other than for barramundi, spawning aggregations of inshore species — including golden snapper, barred javelin and black jewfish — are not protected by seasonal fishing closures. The Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery is subject to short seasonal closures during spring based on the expected seasonal and lunar spawning of the common coral trout. However, new research has indicated that this species spawns year-round with little to no alignment with existing closures.1357 The spatial and temporal distribution of spawning aggregations of Spanish mackerel has contracted over time, with one aggregation near Cairns now commercially extirpated.1358,1359 The loss of spawning aggregations has important ramifications for fish population dynamics and can lead to localised stock collapse with negative ecological, social, cultural and economic consequences.1360

Physical damage to the seabed and reef habitats occurs as a result of some fishing activities. Line fishing gear can cause direct physical damage to live coral tissue and coral colonies and can contribute to increased coral disease.1361 Physical damage to reefs and shoals can be caused by poor anchoring and retrieval practices, and is of concern, but the extent to which this occurs across the Region is poorly quantified. Damage to benthic habitats is also caused by grounding (and in some cases sinking) of commercial and recreational fishing vessels in the Region (Figure 5.16). Trawling has physical impacts on habitats in the Region and can remove or damage seabed plants and animals. While risk for seabed biodiversity has been reduced by trawl management actions, some concerns remain. For example, an area in the southern Reef has been identified as being among the national hotspots for risk from trawling and is the area at highest potential risk within the Region.1237,1238 High trawling effort levels and a poor understanding of the habitat in this area contribute to the risk. At-risk, long‐lived, deep‐water elasmobranch species occur in this area and are taken and killed in trawl bycatch.1332 Further information on the risk from fishing to these species is needed. The impacts of trawling on upper continental slopehabitats must also be better understood. Physical damage can also affect underwater historic heritage sites. Discarded fishing line and loss of fishing gear contribute to marine debris (Section 6.5.1), causing entanglement and ingestion by marine species.

Illegal recreational fishing in the Region continues to be of concern. The number of reported offences has averaged around 670 each year since 2018–19 (a 35 per cent increase since the preceding 5 years).1362 During the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of reported offences peaked at 814 which likely correlates to an increased number of people accessing the Reef for recreational purposes. Illegal recreational fishing accounts for approximately 50 per cent of the 1266 fishing and non-fishing possible offences reported in 2022–23. The increasing trend in non-compliance reports may reflect improved surveillance efforts and technologies, such as new high-speed patrol vessels armed with technology for detection at night. Rate of change in recreational fishing effort (and therefore, likelihood of offences) is not well known, but is generally expected to correlate with population growth in the Catchment and long-term increases in recreational vessel registrations (Section 5.5.1).

Understanding of the spatial and behavioural patterns of fishers remains a focus and indicates illegal extraction from no-take zones is more likely to occur at some locations than others.1363,1364,1365, 1366 Between 2019 and 2023, 37 per cent of all reported poaching occurred in only 10 no-take zones.1362 By contrast, in 2017 this was higher with 50 per cent of all reported offences occurring in 10 no-take zones.1362 Reported offences tend to occur in no-take zones that also attracted high levels of legal non-fishing activity, a finding that provides insight into the opportunity factors that increase the risk of poaching.1363 While the majority of recreational fishers consider this type of illegal poaching to be personally and socially unacceptable, the use of different social survey techniques has found that between 3 and 18 per cent of recreational fishers will admit to having fished in no-take Marine Park zones during the past year.1364 Even low levels of poaching can have substantial impacts on fish populations and ecosystem health.1367

The number of commercial fishing offences in the Region increased from 66 in 2017–18 to around 230 in the 2019–20 and 2020–21 financial years.1362 During this period, the industry was transitioning to compulsory vessel tracking, with all commercial fishing boats required to have tracking capability by 2020. Since implementation, the number of reported offences has steadily declined to 133 in 2022–23. The majority of offences involved Coral Reef Fin Fish Fishery dories transiting no-fishing zones while not attached to a primary fishing vessel. Fishing offences in other commercial fisheries are generally less frequent. 

Some commercial and recreational fishers employ counter-surveillance tactics to avoid detection of their illegal activity. Therefore, the actual extent of illegal fishing by both sectors is considered to be greater than the number of detected offences suggest. The expansion of commercial fishing vessel tracking has substantially improved commercial fishing compliance rates and the efficiency and efficacy of the multi-agency surveillance program.1362 

  • 3. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2009, Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report 2009, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 9. Australian Government 2023, Measuring What Matters, <https://treasury.gov.au/policy-topics/measuring-what-matters>.
  • 407. Hoel, K., Chin, A. and Lau, J. 2022, Clashing conservation values: the social complexities of shark depredation, Biological Conservation 272: 109658.
  • 437. Dedini, E., Jacobsen, I. and Zieth, J. 2023, East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery ecological risk assessment species of conservation concern, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 461. Department of Environment Science and Innovation 2024, 'StrandNet Database'. Unpublished report.
  • 793. French, S.M. 2023, Stock Assessment of Ballot's saucer scallop (Ylistrum balloti) in Queensland, Australia, with data to October 2022, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 817. McClure, E.C., Richardson, L.E., Graba-Landry, A., Loffler, Z., Russ, G.R., et al. 2019, Cross-shelf differences in the response of herbivorous fish assemblages to severe environmental disturbances, Diversity 11(2): 23.
  • 839. Mitchell, J.D., Drymon, J.M., Vardon, J., Coulson, P.G., Simpfendorfer, C.A., et al. 2023, Shark depredation: future directions in research and management, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 33(2): 475-499.
  • 842. Mitchell, J.D., McLean, D.L., Collin, S.P. and Langlois, T.J. 2018, Shark depredation in commercial and recreational fisheries, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28: 715-748.
  • 1223. Webley, J., McInnes, K., Teixeira, D., Lawson, A. and Quinn, R. 2015, Statewide recreational fishing survey 2013-14, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1224. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2023, Queensland Boat Ramp Surveys Dashboard, Queensland Government.
  • 1225. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2023, Queensland Recreational Fishing Surveys Dashboard, Queensland Government.
  • 1237. Dedini, E. and Jacobsen, I. 2023, East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery Scoping Study, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1238. Pitcher, C.R., Rochester, W., Dunning, M., Courtney, T., Broadhurst, M., et al. 2018, Putting potential environmental risk of Australia's trawl fisheries in landscape perspective: exposure of seabed assemblages to trawling, and inclusion in closures and reserves, FRDC Project No 2016-039, CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere, Brisbane.
  • 1240. Lovett, R.A., Fox, A.R., Wickens, M.E. and Hillcoat, K.B. 2023, Stock assessment of Queensland east coast tiger prawns (Penaeus esculentus and Penaeus semisulcatus), Australia, with data to December 2021, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1251. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2017, Queensland Sustainable Fisheries Strategy 2017-2027, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1254. Leigh, G.M., Janes, R., Williams, S.M. and Martin, T. 2022, Stock Assessment of Queensland East Coast black jewfish (Protonibea diacanthus), Australia, with data to December 2021, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1256. Tanimoto, M., Fox, A.R., O'Neill, M.F. and Langstreth, J.C. 2021, Stock assessment of Australian east coast Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson), State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1257. Roelofs, A., Langstreth, J., Lewis, P., Butler, I., Stewart, J. and Grubert, M. 2021, Spanish Mackerel Scomberomorus commerson, in Status of Australian fish stocks reports 2020, eds T. Piddcocke, C. Ashby, K. Hartmann, A. Hesp, P. Hone, et al., Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
  • 1261. Fowler, A., Stewart, J., Victorian Fisheries Authority, Roelofs, A., Garland, A. and Jackson, G. 2021, Snapper Chrysophrys auratus, in Status of Australian fish stocks reports 2020, eds T. Piddcocke, C. Ashby, K. Hartmann, A. Hesp, P. Hone, et al., Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
  • 1265. Lovett, R., Northrop, A. and Stewart, J. 2022, Stock assessment of Australian pearl perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) with data to December 2019, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1276. Campbell, A.B., Fox, A.R., Hillcoat, K.B. and Sumpter, L. 2021, Stock assessment of Queensland east coast saddletail snapper (Lutjanus malabaricus), Australia, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1227. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2023, QFish, State of Queensland, <http://qfish.fisheries.qld.gov.au/>.
  • 1325. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2023, Queensland stock status results (2020), State of Queensland, <https://www.daf.qld.gov.au/business-priorities/fisheries/monitoring-research/data-reporting/status-queensland-fish-stocks/queensland-stock-status-results>.
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  • 1327. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2018, Fisheries data validation plan: Improvement in the accuracy and timeliness of commercial catch and effort information, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  • 1328. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2023, Fisheries data validation plan: Status update 2023, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
  • 1329. Rasher, D.B., Hoey, A.S. and Hay, M.E. 2013, Consumer diversity interacts with prey defenses to drive ecosystem function, Ecology 94(6): 1347-1358.
  • 1330. Rizzari, J.R., Frisch, A.J., Hoey, A.S. and McCormick, M.I. 2014, Not worth the risk: apex predators suppress herbivory on coral reefs, Oikos 123(7): 829-836.
  • 1331. Boaden, A.E. and Kingsford, M.J. 2015, Predators drive community structure in coral reef fish assemblages, Ecosphere 6(4): 1-33.
  • 1332. Rigby, C.L., White, W.T. and Simpfendorfer, C.A. 2016, Deepwater chondrichthyan bycatch of the eastern king prawn fishery in the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia, PLoS One 11(5): e0156036.
  • 1333. Tobin, A.J., Simpfendorfer, C.A., Mapleston, A., Currey-Randall, L.M., Harry, A.V., et al. 2010, A quantitative ecological risk assessment of sharks and finfish of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area inshore waters: a tool for fisheries and Marine Park managers. Identifying species at risk and potential mitigation strategies, Marine and Tropical Sciences Research Facility, Cairns.
  • 1334. Harry, A.V., Saunders, R.J., Smart, J., J.S., Yates, P.M., et al. 2016, Assessment of a data-limited, multi-species shark fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and south-east Queensland, Fisheries Research 177: 104-115.
  • 1335. Campbell, M.J., Courtney, A.J., Wang, N., McLennan, M.F. and Zhou, S. 2017, Estimating the impacts of management changes on bycatch reduction and sustainability of high-risk bycatch species in the Queensland East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery. FRDC Final Report Project number 2015/014, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Brisbane.
  • 1336. Pears, R.J., Morison, A.K., Jebreen, E.J., Dunning, M.C., Pitcher, C.R., et al. 2012, Ecological risk assessment of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: Data Report, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
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  • 1338. Campbell, M.J., McLennan, M.F., Courtney, A.J. and Simpfendorfer, C.A. 2018, Post-release survival of two elasmobranchs, the eastern shovelnose ray (Aptychotrema rostrata) and the common stingaree (Trygonoptera testacea), discarded from a prawn trawl fishery in southern Queensland, Australia, Marine and Freshwater Research 69(4): 551-561.
  • 1339. Adams, K.R., Fetterplace, L.C., Davis, A.R., Taylor, M.D. and Knott, N.A. 2018, Sharks, rays and abortion: The prevalence of capture-induced parturition in elasmobranchs, Biological Conservation 217: 11-27.
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  • 1341. Wang, N.H., Courtney, A.J., Campbell, M.J. and Yang, W. 2020, Quantifying long-term discards from Queensland’s (Australia) East Coast Otter Trawl fishery, ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(2): 680-691.
  • 1342. Cooke, S.J. and Schramm, H.L. 2007, Catch‐and‐release science and its application to conservation and management of recreational fisheries, Fisheries Management and Ecology 14(2): 73-79.
  • 1343. Raby, G.D., Messmer, V., Tobin, A.J., Hoey, A.S., Jutfelt, F., et al. 2018, Swim for it: effects of simulated fisheries capture on the post-release behaviour of four Great Barrier Reef fishes, Fisheries Research 206: 129-137.
  • 1345. Thurstan, R.H., Buckley, S.M. and Pandolfi, J.M. 2018, Trends and transitions observed in an iconic recreational fishery across 140 years, Global Environmental Change 52: 22-36.
  • 1346. Cooke, S.J., Venturelli, P., Twardek, W.M., Lennox, R.J., Brownscombe, J.W., et al. 2021, Technological innovations in the recreational fishing sector: implications for fisheries management and policy, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 31(2): 253-288.
  • 1344. Brown, C.J. 2016, Social, economic and environmental effects of closing commercial fisheries to enhance recreational fishing, Marine Policy 73: 204-209.
  • 1347. Mitchell, J.D. 2022, Discussion paper for the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation national workshop on shark depredation in Australian fisheries, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Brisbane.
  • 1348. Piddocke, T., Mitchell, J. and Izzo, C. 2021, Shark depredation in Australian fisheries. Understanding the scope of the issue and identify potential mitigation options: workshop summary. FRDC Final Report Project number FRDC2021-038, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Brisbane.
  • 1349. Jacobsen, I., Walton, L. and Lawson, A. 2021, East Coast Inshore Large Mesh Net Fishery Level 2 Ecological Risk Assessment [Species of Conservation Concern], State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 1350. Dulvy, N.K., Pacoureau, N., Rigby, C.L., Pollom, R.A., Jabado, R.W., et al. 2021, Overfishing drives over one-third of all sharks and rays toward a global extinction crisis, Current Biology 31(21): 4773-4787.
  • 1351. Department of the Environment and Energy 2017, Recovery Plan for Marine Turtles in Australia 2017-2027, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra.
  • 1352. Parra, G.J. and Cagnazzi, D. 2016, Conservation status of the Australian humpback dolphin (Sousa sahulensis) using the IUCN Red List Criteria, Advances in Marine Biology 73: 157-192.
  • 1353. Cagnazzi, D. 2010, Conservation Status of Australian Snubfin Dolphin, Orcaella heinsohni, and Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin, Sousa chinensis, in the Capricorn Coast, Central Queensland, Australia, Dissertation/Thesis, Thesis, Southern Cross University.
  • 1354. Marsh, H. and Sobtzick, S. 2015, Dugong dugon Assessment. , <http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T6909A43792211.en>.
  • 1355. Riskas, K.A., Fuentes, M.M.P.B. and Hamann, M. 2016, Justifying the need for collaborative management of fisheries bycatch: A lesson from marine turtles in Australia, Biological Conservation 196: 40-47.
  • 1356. Lucas, P.H.C., Webb, T., Valentine, P.S. and Marsh, H. 1997, The Outstanding Universal Value of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 1357. Harrison, H.B., Drane, L., Berumen, M.L., Cresswell, B.J., Evans, R.D., et al. 2023, Ageing of juvenile coral grouper (Plectropomus maculatus) reveals year-round spawning and recruitment: implications for seasonal closures, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290(2001): 20230584.
  • 1358. Tobin, A., Heupel, M., Simpfendorfer, C., Buckley, S., Thurstan, R., et al. 2014, Utilising innovative technology to better understand Spanish mackerel spawning aggregations and the protection offered by Marine Protected Areas. FRDC Project No 2010/007, Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture, James Cook University.
  • 1359. Buckley, S.M., Thurstan, R.H., Tobin, A. and Pandolfi, J.M. 2017, Historical spatial reconstruction of a spawning-aggregation fishery, Conservation Biology 31(6): 1322-1332.
  • 1360. de Mitcheson, Y.S. 2016, Mainstreaming fish spawning aggregations into fishery management calls for a precautionary approach, Bioscience 66(4): 295-306.
  • 1361. Lamb, J.B., Williamson, D.H., Russ, G.R. and Willis, B.L. 2015, Protected areas mitigate diseases of reef-building corals by reducing damage from fishing, Ecology 96(9): 2555-2567.
  • 1362. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 2023, Field Management Compliance Unit, Unpublished analysis for Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Townsville.
  • 1363. Weekers, D.P. and Zahnow, R. Risky facilities: Analysis of illegal recreational fishing in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Australia, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology 52(3): 368-389.
  • 1364. Bergseth, B.J., Williamson, D.H., Russ, G.R., Sutton, S.G. and Cinner, J.E. 2017, A social-ecological approach to assessing and managing poaching by recreational fishers, Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15(2): 67-73.
  • 1365. Weekers, D., Petrossian, G. and Thiault, L. 2021, Illegal fishing and compliance management in marine protected areas: a situational approach, Crime Science 10(1): 9.
  • 1366. Castro-Sanguino, C., Bozec, Y.M., Dempsey, A., Samaniego, B.R., Lubarsky, K., et al. 2017, Detecting conservation benefits of marine reserves on remote reefs of the northern GBR, PLoS ONE 12(11): e0186146.
  • 1367. Little, L.R., Smith, A.D.M., McDonald, A.D., Punt, A.E., Mapstone, B.D., et al. 2005, Effects of size and fragmentation of marine reserves and fisher infringement on the catch and biomass of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) on the Great Barrier Reef, Fisheries Management and Ecology 12(3): 177-188.