3.4.2 Particle feeding

Particle feeding is undertaken by a wide range of organisms that feed on plankton and dead organic matter from either the water column or sea floor. Particle feeders include worms and sea squirts that use mucous nets to adhere to particles; reef building corals, sea fans, feather stars, worms and some jellyfish that passively feed from passing water currents; bivalves, sponges and some barnacles that actively create currents to feed from; and baleen whales, manta rays and some fishes that are active particle feeders.787 

Particle feeding octocorals (gorgonians, sea whips, sea pens and soft corals) are the second most common group of macrobenthic animals on the Reef after hard corals.318 Sponges have shown potential as a natural collection point for sampling environmental DNA.788 On a reef scale, it is estimated that sea cucumbers may bioturbate (turn over) 64,000 tonnes of sediment per year,789 which may partially buffer the impacts of ocean acidification through its contributions to reef biogeochemistry.772 A single oyster can filter more than 200 litres of sea water per day, and oyster beds play a vital role in coastal ecosystems.790 Particle feeding can assist corals under heat stress or in turbid waters. 772

Particle feeders help keep water clean and nutrients cycling

Despite increasing research on particle-feeding marine invertebrates, gaps in knowledge remain, such as of their tolerance to changing environmental conditions.790 Threats vary between species, but they include climate change-related ocean warming and acidification, pollution and targeted extraction.790 The Queensland saucer scallop stock has seen declines in recent years as a result of overfishing compounded more recently by elevated water temperatures.791,792 Current estimates show the stock to be 15 per cent of unfished biomass,793 and it is classified as depleted.794 Increasing water temperature is expected to lower net primary production and result in declines in shallow benthic filter‑feeding communities.795 The larval stages of many invertebrates rely on ocean currents for transport and settlement of their offspring, and changing currents in the future may affect recruitment and distribution of some species.790

Macro photo of the polyps of a Tubastraea coral. They have bright yellow tentacles, darkening to orange towards the polyp mouth and stalk. The mouth is surrounded by a white circle. The tentacles have a spotty appearance from the zooxanthellae algae that live inside the polyp (symbiotic relationship).
Yellow tube coral, genus Tubastraea, feeding on particles in the water. © Chris Roelfsema 2021

Microplastics, especially those that have accumulated biofilm, are ingested by many particle feeders from shellfish to baleen whales.796,797,798,799 Evidence suggests transfer to muscular tissue is low for Reef species.796

A range of pressures affect particle feeders, and condition varies between species and species groups. No consistent trend has been identified since 2019. Since 2019, cover of some fast-growing species of corals has increased, but condition of corals in some areas remains poor. Long-term declines have occurred in the commercially harvested saucer scallop population, and the stock is currently classified as depleted. 

  • 318. Hutchings, P., Kingsford, M. and Hoegh-Guldberg, O. 2019, The Great Barrier Reef: biology, environment and management, 2nd edn, CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South.
  • 772. Wolfe, K., Anthony, K., Babcock, R.C., Bay, L., Bourne, D., et al. 2019, Recommendations to maintain functioning of the Great Barrier Reef, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns.
  • 787. Hamann, L. and Blanke, A. 2022, Suspension feeders: diversity, principles of particle separation and biomimetic potential, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19(186): 20210741.
  • 788. Jeunen, G., Cane, J.S., Ferreira, S., Strano, F., von Ammon, U., et al. 2023, Assessing the utility of marine filter feeders for environmental DNA (eDNA) biodiversity monitoring, Molecular Ecology Resources 23(4): 771-786.
  • 789. Williamson, J.E., Duce, S., Joyce, K.E. and Raoult, V. 2021, Putting sea cucumbers on the map: projected holothurian bioturbation rates on a coral reef scale, Coral Reefs 40: 559-569.
  • 790. Chen, E.Y. 2021, Often overlooked: understanding and meeting the current challenges of marine invertebrate conservation, Frontiers in Marine Science 8.
  • 791. O'Neill, M.F., Yang, W.H., Wortmann, J., Courtney, A.J., Leigh, G.M., et al. 2020, Stock predictions and population indicators for Australia's east coast saucer scallop fishery, Project Report No. 2017/057, FRDC, Brisbane.
  • 792. French, S.M., Courtney, A.J. and Yang, W. 2021, Quantitative analysis of the fishery-Independent queensland saucer scallop (Ylistrum balloti) trawl survey, Journal of Shellfish Research 40(2): 297-309.
  • 793. French, S.M. 2023, Stock Assessment of Ballot's saucer scallop (Ylistrum balloti) in Queensland, Australia, with data to October 2022, State of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • 794. Kangas, M. and Roelofs, A. 2021, Ballot's Saucer Scallop - Ylistrum balloti, in Status of Australian fish stocks reports 2020, eds T. Piddcocke, C. Ashby, K. Hartmann, A. Hesp, P. Hone, et al., Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Canberra.
  • 795. Lesser, M.P. and Slattery, M. 2020, Will coral reef sponges be winners in the Anthropocene? Global Change Biology 26(6): 3202-3211.