3.4.6 Symbiosis

Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship between 2 or more different species (collectively referred to as a holobiont) and is a particularly common feature on tropical coral reefs. Symbiotic associations are often mutually beneficial to both partners (mutualism)571 although some symbioses may benefit one partner and be harmless to the other (commensalism) or benefit one to the detriment of the other (for example, parasitism).847

Symbiosis facilitates various ecological processes, such as nutrient exchange between symbiotic partners and promotion of biodiversity, whereby host species can support the existence of multiple symbionts, including many thousands of microbes.848 Well-known examples of symbioses within the Region include the coral–dinoflagellate and sea anemone–clownfish relationships, but many thousands of other associations exist.672 Coral crabs (genus Trapezia) clean and defend their Pocillopora coral hosts,323 while gobies protect the shelters they share with burrowing shrimps.849 Giant clams have obligate symbiotic associations with photosynthetic dinoflagellates,285 and they also shelter a range of commensal and parasitic animals in their mantle cavities.850

Climate change is severely affecting many symbioses, as increasing sea temperatures and marine heatwaves 647 lead to various host species losing algal symbionts from their tissues in a process called bleaching.851,852 The underlying mechanisms of coral bleaching are a subject of active research interest.853 Recent studies have found that heat stress can cause nutrient exchange between symbiotic partners to become unbalanced, contributing to the breakdown of the symbiosis.854 In sponge–microbe associations, heat stress can also lead to the breakdown of symbiosis and negative consequences for host health.855,856 Compounding stressors, such as changes in light conditions 683,684 and limited oxygen,857 have been shown to lower thermal thresholds for bleaching. Elevated nutrient conditions and localised anthropogenic disturbances may also influence bleaching susceptibility in corals 532,571,858 and other hosts.859,860

Climate change is severely affecting the key symbiosis between corals and zooxanthellae

Coral survival post-bleaching, particularly when sea temperatures remain high, may be influenced by host genetics,31 the heat sensitivity of algal symbionts 858,861 and the availability of key nutrients such as iron.720,721 Shifts in symbiont partners to more heat‑tolerant variants were detected in natural populations in response to marine heatwaves, including the 2016 mass coral bleaching event,858 and have also been induced experimentally under controlled laboratory conditions.862 Symbiont changes appear to be a species-specific response.288 In some cases, restructured symbiont communities may be inherited by offspring.863

Symbiotic microbial communities, or microbiomes, which encompass bacterial and archaeal populations, play a critical and diverse role within the holobiont unit.864 The full diversity and complexity of reef microbiomes in supporting symbiosis and other host functions is still being explored.777,848,865,866 However, members of the microbiome could have an important role in providing a mechanism for adapting to environmental change.288,867,868

Due to the inherent interdependencies between symbiotic partners, symbiont abundance and condition and the presence of key threats are used as a proxy for the condition and trend of symbiosis. 

Despite some recovery of hard coral cover in offshore reefs over the past 5 years, rates of bleaching and increasing sea temperatures continue to be a major concern. Some evidence exists of shifts in symbiont diversity following the 2016 mass coral bleaching, but responses appear to be species-specific. 

Macro photo of the top of an Acropora coral nubbin, showing a larger axial coral polyp at the top, surrounded by rows of polyps protruding from the coral skeleton, feeding in the water column. The coral is orange with green polyps.
Symbiotic algae living within coral tissues contribute to their vibrant colours. Copyright Johnny Gaskell 2019
  • 31. Fuller, Z.L., Mocellin, V.J., Morris, L.A., Cantin, N., Shepherd, J., et al. 2020, Population genetics of the coral Acropora millepora: Toward genomic prediction of bleaching, Science 369(6501): eaba4674
  • 285. Mies, M. 2019, Evolution, diversity, distribution and the endangered future of the giant clam–Symbiodiniaceae association, Coral Reefs 38: 1067-1084.
  • 288. Quigley, K.M., Ramsby, B., Laffy, P., Harris, J., Mocellin, V.J.L., et al. 2022, Symbioses are restructured by repeated mass coral bleaching, Science Advances 8(49): eabq8349.
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  • 571. Lesser, M.P. 2021, Eutrophication on coral reefs: What is the evidence for phase shifts, nutrient limitation and coral bleaching, BioScience 71(12): 1216-1233.
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  • 683. Gonzalez‐Espinosa, P.C. and Donner, S.D. 2021, Cloudiness reduces the bleaching response of coral reefs exposed to heat stress, Global Change Biology 27(15): 3474-3486.
  • 684. Rosic, N., Rémond, C. and Mello-Athayde, M.A. 2020, Differential impact of heat stress on reef-building corals under different light conditions, Marine Environmental Research 158: 104947.
  • 720. Reich, H.G., Tu, W., Rodriguez, I.B., Chou, Y., Keister, E.F., et al. 2021, Iron availability modulates the response of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates to heat stress, Journal of Phycology 57(1): 3-13.
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  • 850. Neo, M.L., Eckman, W., Vicentuan, K., Teo, S.L. and Todd, P.A. 2015, The ecological significance of giant clams in coral reef ecosystems, Biological Conservation 181: 111-123.
  • 851. Scott, A., Hoey, A. S. 2017, Severe consequences for anemonefishes and their host sea anemones during the 2016 bleaching event at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Coral Reefs 36: 873.
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